Mare Island NSY - Message
117 Messages Since Feburary 1, 1998
Posted 2-19-98
GySgt Wedge
Stationed at Marine Barracks Mare Island from 1982-1986, as the armorer. Saw alot of people come and go. And I have been looking for some of the marines that were stationed there in that time frame. If you know any contact me.
Posted 3-13-98
Viola K Schubbe
I was stationed
there right from Boot Camp, which was by the way good ole
"MCRD" San Diego.I was then sent to "MARE
ISLAND" from 10-23-52 till early 1953 then went from there
on furlough. I don't know to this day how I was lucky enough to
end up there. But it was a great experience, one which I shall
always treasure. I sure have some good memories and have often
talked to my children about some of times I had while I was
there. It was really great to hear from someone who was stationed
there like I was. I will be checking your page quite often to see
if there are some more buddies that were stationed there.
Semper Fi.
"Spree the Corps"
Posted 3-22-98
Lcpl Salazar
A big part of my life was spent there. I met and married my wife from the island. Doing great with three kids today. I was stationed there from 9/90 to 8/91. I was Lcpl Salazar at the time. Used to work at Chesty's as a bar back during the time.(The short hispanic dude) Does anybody remember me? Write back!
Posted 3-30-98
John McNiel "Mac"
I was stationed at Treasure Island 1959-60 in H & S Co (security). We qualified w/M1s and 45s at Mare Island. I do the web pages for the MCL Detachment in Hayward (
Don Tresca
I was stationed at MB Vallejo from 1964 to 1967 when I left for RVN. I did most of my time in the Guard Company and a short period working in Admin. Loved my time there and spent many a good night at Chesty. I played on both the 1966 Championship Baseball Team and the Football Team. If you want to know more about that period of time. The golf pro at the course in Benicia was the AdminChief at the barracks during that time. His name is Sandy Shotwell, he's a retired GySgt.
Capt Walt
Baschnagel, USMC Ret'd
I'm an old geezer that was stationed there as Supply Officer 1965-68.
Posted 8-13-98
Keith Cunday Sunny
Oct. 1948 to Feb 1950, did duty at the North Gate, did duty at the Main Gate, did Duty at the water Jittney Gate at lower Georgia St.. Would like to find a old buddy Austin Clark from some where in Tm. Hey Bone, if your out there give your old buddy a email.
Posted 9-2-98
Lcpl. Stendal
I was at Mare Island for a short period of time in the fall of
1988. I went through the Security Forces School
there. I was 18 years old and the island was where I got my
first real taste of what it was going to be like to be a
Marine. The short leash my buddies and I had been on at the
School of Infantry was off (not to mention the choke chain of
MCRD San Diego.) This was the REAL Marine Corps.
I was there on Nov. 10th, 1988 for the
Marine Corps Birthday and I almost passed out in formation
(locked my damn knees up.) Those photos of the road between
the barracks and the parade ground brought that memory home like
a bullet.
I can also remember marching to chow in
the morning when it was cold and dark outside. Most of us
were only a few months out of boot camp and when a platoon of us
marched by, in perfect time, driving our heels like we wanted to
dig a trough to china, with a Seargent calling some excellent
cadence, it was positively musical compared to the lazy flip-flop
of the sailors
marching by. It must have been pretty depressing to all the
squids stationed on that base.
I didn't know that they had closed the
base down. I was only there ten years ago. Thanks for
posting the pictures.
Posted 9-11-98
Cpl. Streshenkoff
From 1-74 to 2-75, discharged from Mare Island. I went there from Camp LeJune when they took me out of Tanks and put me in Amtracks. I have a lot memories of M.I. Mostly good some bad. I lost six good friends there in one car crash. All Marines, All Brothers. I was shocked when I just read the whole base shut down. I started as a gate guard but became a rifle & pistol instructor after a couple months. If your interested in the history of M.I. I have a tidbit for you. Two of us were working near the 500 yard line on the range, when the other jarhead found a US belt buckel from the Cival War era. I wonder who got the picture and the bell out of Chesty's Place. One night about 20 of us ended up at Chesty's at the same time,we all figured that we should do something together, so we went down to the Navy's enlisted club and tore it apart. All Marines were banned from there after that, I don't know how long it lasted, but it went past my discharge. It's been a pleasure, I found a piece of myself on this sight, and I will stay in touch. Semper Fi
Posted 9-30-98
Cpl. Scott
C. Hill
I was
there in Fast Co. OM Plt. from 3\89 to 9\92, attached to Fast Co.
for most of my tour. I met a lot of great people there and
I'll never forget it. I would love to hear from anyone who
was there at the same time, or from someone who remembers me! I
was also one of the first marines to attend CQB school which was
class CQB 1\89. Many Marines who had heard of Fast Co.
thought it was a joke. Well let me tell you, the men that
trained for CQB ops were some of the best men I have ever had the
pleasure of serving with. I still use some of my training
today in law enforcement and will never forget what I
learned. I can tell you that those of us that did train in
Fast Co. took it very seriously and became very good at what we
did. I hope the marines who trained with me, still carry
the pride that I do, and will forever. Anyone wishing to
contact me may do so at or call me at (207)443-8201
anytime or anyday.
"Semper Fi" "Lex Talionis" Deputy Scott C.
Hill Former Maine
Posted 10-1-98
Gerald Smith (Smitty), Aug. 62 - Dec. 63
Pulled guard duty on the gates of Mare Island and Skaggs Island when there was only a back gate leading to Napa. Would like to hear from anyone that might have known me and from a Marine buddy that I road Motorcycle with, David Neilson, who was in the Corps around 57-58. He may remember me as Jerry Smith. My address is........P.O.Box 1930, Lower Lake, Ca. 95457. Or contact the Webmaster of this site via E-mail.
Posted 11-12-98
Cpl. TJ O'Connor, 85-88
. . Hello all, My name is Cpl. TJ O'Connor. I
"lived" and was stationed at M-37 from 85-88. I hold a
reunion every year. This year it is 11-28-98 at my home in
. . When first stationed there, I spent many
a cold nights on post at the main and north gates watching that
fog roll in. They dis-established the Gate security force in
Apr.86, at which time many of my friends were sent to the fleet,
many of which I sadly haven't seen since. They kept 25 of us
behind, and we were considered the new FAST co. under the
guidance of Gysgt. Bennett.
. . We were in charge of putting together
instruction plans for the west coast training facility (MCSFBP)
We kicked off the training and I wnet to work on the range as a
combat shotgun and pistol instructor. To this day I say that it
was the best job I had ever had. My eas was up in 9-88 at which
time I left the home, people, and base that I had come to love,
to work for Oakland PD. I have since transferred to Vallejo PD
and visit the Barracks often. I attempted to have the reunion on
the grounds but they denied me.
. . Runnin out of space. Please contact me if
you would be interested in coming to the reunion. We had approx.
25 last year including guys from the 80's and the 90' FAST Co.
. . Thank you, Semper Fi, TJ O'Connor
Posted 11-13-98
John McGinn, Corporal, May 1964 - December 1965
. . I was the armorer in the supply
area. I worked for Captain Smith. The friends I
remember are Cpl Don Kunkel, Special Services, Cpl Danny Davis,
Bugler, Sgt Royal Alsup, Supply, Jim Adair, cook. I
remember Capt Walt Baschnagel although he was a Warrent Officer
at the time. Others that were there were Pat Hannigan, Cpl
Schmeiser, Cpl Stapleton.
. . I had some of the best times of my life
stationed at Mare Island. I remember a hunting trip
organized by Captain Smith, and M-1 rifles supplied from my
armory. Bagged my first deer on that trip... an 8 point
buck. The Mess Sgt (can't remember his name) aged it,
butchered it, cooked it, and we had a fine barracks feast.
. . Great pictures... brings back wonderful
Posted 12-4-98
Q.L. Brown (Ret.)
While stationed at MBSFNSYD Hunters Pt. 1963-1966, I qualified at Mare Island with the M1 Rifle each year. My name is Q.L. Brown retired Feb.1,1993. Any Hunters Point Marines out there? Email me!
Posted 12-8-98
Jeannette Kryszewski
Hey, any and all of you who remember me please email me...many of you were like brothers to me...time frame 1984-1988. I used to be married to Duran....yes, it is me...Jeannette. Where are the following: Stevie Mac(McKenna), Tim (red) Wilson, Smitty, Lopez, so many names that won't come to me right now...oh, yeah, Tom Lowe....hope to hear from you all soon.
Posted 12-10-98
Mark Atlee, 85-88, MCSFBP
My name is Mark Atlee, and I was
stationed at this Barracks from 85-88. I was a member of the
Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Pacific. I worked as a
Cadre Instructor at the security force school. I was priviledged
to work with some of the most talented marines Ive ever met. As a
team we developed and implimented what is now the only Anti
terorism Force in the World. I also was at one point one of the
original members of FAST ( Fleet Anti-Terorism Security Team). I
often think of my life and the men I so proudly served with at
Mare Island. Your web site brought back many fond memories of my
Marine Corps Youth, and for this I thank you. I hope others that
have the opportunity to view this benefit as well. I am working
as a Police officer in Boston Ma., and a member of the 25th
Marines, a Reserve unit in Worcester Ma. I will try to dig up any
photos and other paraphanalia, you might find interesting. Thanks
again for the ability to return to a place that I will never
forget ! Semper Fi
Mark P. Atlee, 1853 hyde Park ave, Hyde Park Ma. 02136
Posted 12-24-98
L/Cpl Mike
I was stationed at "Marine Barracks Mare Island" from May or June of 84 - Dec. 85. I was an 0311/8151 stationed at both Main and North Gates as well as Ferry Duty in the Ship Yard. A whole lot of stories to be told about that place. It makes for good reunion material. Played football, basketball and softball. Looking to contact others from the Barracks. Anyone know where the hell Cpl. Rene Lopez, L/Cpl Bill "Big Daddy Dirtbag" Schereen, or Cpl. "Madonna Lovin" Favior are. Semper Fi Mac!
Posted 5-24-99
Sgt.Virgil W. Hackler, Jr., 72-73
I was stationed at Mare Island in 72-73. I worked the rifle range. I was a Sgt. E-5 at the time. During the time I was there we held M.C. record for the highest re-qual percentage. When I get home (I am an over the road truck driver now) I will go through my photos and try and get them to you with captions. I will have to find a scanner. Any questions ask I will try to reply. Sorry to see the Barracks in such bad shape.
Posted 5-29-99
Sgt. Dave Gurbal, 67-68
My name is Dave Gurbal. I was Cpl. of the Guard at Mare Island from May of 67 until May of 68. I then made Sgt. and was sent to Skaggs Island as Sgt. of the Guard, until discharged in Sept. of 68. I think I was the only Marines allowed in the Chiefs Club at the time. Semper Fi To All! Dave Gurbal
Posted 7-13-99
Cpl Charles Anderson, 54 - 57
I was at Mare Island in 1954 to 1957. Commanding officer W. O. Thompson, ADJ. Capt G.P. Endicott. I had some good times there. Started out on the ferry landing and then on the main gate. Then they put me in as a cook for 2 years. I then went to Skaggs Island and was on patrol and had to take care of Pvt Rocky the mascot. A bull dog and a real good buddy. He was a Sgt.. I have been looking for Paul D Hanson. He was from Minneapolis Minn. He was a cook at the same time I was. Like to here from any one that was there in 1954 to 1957.
Posted 7-19-99
First Lieutenant Patrick Hill, 70 - 73
I was at Mare Island from 1970 to 1973. I'd be interested in contacting others who were there then. The pictures brought back lots of old memories. An interesting thing I saw that I'd never realized before was that the CO when I arrived was Col. J. P. Treadwell, but there was a Col. Thomas C. Treadwell commanding in 1922. Does anyone know whether they were related?
I've moved to Georgia since I got out of the Corps and I'd remembered hearing Col. Treadwell talk fondly of his boyhood in Forsyth, GA. I often travel through Forsyth and when I pass Treadwell road I remember him and the days at Mare Island.
Thanks for the good work on the web site. I'll search through old pictures and see if I don't have some which might complement what you've already posted.
Posted 8-16-99
Jim Cappot, 1986-1988
Hello all, Semper Fi!!! Jim Cappot
Poated 8-24-99
Lcpl Greg Austin, Fast Co 1991-1993
Would like to hear from any of you that I served with. Also interested in anyone who was in NAS Adak, AK.
Posted 9-19-99
Sgt. R. Vince Coe, FAST Co. 1987 - 1990
Awsome..... I lived in both barracks that we used at Mare Island. I would also dispute your first FAST Co. Class photo. We had four pre class's that graduated. Thats neither here nor there. I have a web site with some info. at
Posted 10-1-99
Leonard F. J. S/Sgt. 75 To 79
Mostly worked Security Forces. Stood Jr.
post to Sergeant of the Guard. Worked one season on the range as
a Marksmen Instructor. Missed the action, so went back to
security. Looking to hear from any Marines I served
with. SEMPER FI.
Posted 11-2-99
Darrel Maguire (Lcpl.) FAST Co., 1st. Plt., and Weapons
Plt.: May, 89 - Feb., 92
I did notice one or two names on your list of entries, but didn't notice any pictures of FAST Co's barracks, 621. I know somebody talked about Bld. H-73 being the main building for FAST Co., but it was only for one platoon, and the admin. for MCSF Bn., only. When I arrived in 89', Bld. 621 was the prime location for FAST Co. which was located by the back gate area, by the base gas station. Anyway, it's always nice to see the schools barracks picture on the page, and most of the rest of the base that I remember! Keep up the good work!! Semper Fi
Posted 12-13-99
Barry Darlington, LCPL (E-3 then)
Was stationed at Mare Island May 1958 through December 29, 1961... Guard duty, 1st Platoon, then detached to Skaggs for 6 months (found a pretty gal in Napa - purposed in the patrol truck - married 39 years now), back to Mare Island as Marksmanship instructor for remainder of duty. (Only dropped one shooter - non-qualified in two seasons)
Lonely North Gate Christmas Eve / Day 12 to 4 shift... 1959 -- could see the lights in temporary housing and kept hearing a song in my head.... I'll be home for Christmas... ahhh memories!!!
I will dry my eyes now.. and tell you would like to hear from others who have a strong spot in there memory banks for the ISLANDS... And CORPS!!! Contact me at!!!
Posted 1-29-00
Chris Garrett, 87-91
Outstanding site. My name is Chris Garrett and I was stationed at Mare Island from 1987-1991. I was there for the start of Fast Company. I have a lot of good memories of Mare Island and Barracks (M-37). I lived on just about all of the floors there except the bottom one. I hated to see the Barracks shut down. It should be turned into a museum for future Marines to visit and experience the history. If you get a chance to enter M-37, and can get access to the attic, go to the first window almost directly across from the south side stairs. There you will find numerous names of Marines that served at Mare Island from the early 1900s, a common phrase by most of these names was "time payed back". Almost like it was a tradition to sign your name and time you left for the civilian world. I still stay in contact with quite a few of my Mare Island buddies, and actually live and work with Marines that were stationed at M.I. or attended the Security Forces School. Do you know what happened to the historic items that were kept in the first floor briefing room. That would be interesting to know what happened to them. If I locate any photos, I will do the best I can to get them to you. Good job ! SEMPER FI
Posted 2-8-00
Jim Bremer, Cwo3 USMC retired
Supply, Clubs, Dining Facility, Maintenance, Drug and Alcohol
Abuse and Fiscal Officer
It was indeed a sad day when we closed this famous Marine Barracks. As the final Supply Officer for the Barrack's, I am well aware of the sadness involved And the work involved in the final closure. I retired from the Marine Corps in conjunction with the closure of the Barracks and have many fond (and some not so fond) memories. Semper Fi
Posted 3-14-00
Cpl. Rob Gary, 86 - 88
Hi Devildogs, My name is Cpl. Rob Gary 85-91 and I was stationed at M.I. from 86-88 and I had a great time there. I was a member of the last "Marine Barracks" and then we became Fast Co. in 1987. Does anyone out there remember Gy. Bennett, he was Gung Ho. We stood gate duty, guarded subs, and trained for antiterrorism. I left for the Fleet in 88 and haven't been to the island since. The place looked good in the photos. I had alot of good memories at M-37. I live in Arkansas now and still drive the same blue 81 Chevy truck that I hauled alot of you around in back then. I went on to the Gulf War with the 2nd Mar. Div. and now I'm married and have 2 wonderful boys. Would like to make a reunion, let me know when. Rob, Rogers Ark.
Posted 3-25-00
Cpl. Christopher S. Morrow, Fast Co. 1987-1991
This is an outstanding site. "Shaky Jake" McGuire just told me about it, compliments of "Big Ole" Christopher Garrett. Seeing the barracks and other sites on the base brought back a bunch of memories. I still stay in contact with quite a few guys from Fast Co, three of which stood in my wedding. I was honored to serve with my fellow Fast Co. Marines and feel fortunate to have made those friendships. I'm going to scan pictures from my tour at Mare Island and submit them for posting on this site. Quite a few of us have often talked about revisiting Mare Island which would include the "beer garden." Great site, keep up the good work!
Posted 3-26-00
GySgt Richard A Rard, 76-79
I was stationed at the Marine Barracks in Vallejo, CA from 76-79. I met many good Marines while I was there. Some of them I am in contact with, still, to this day. I have alot of good memories of the Barracks and would like to find some of the other fellow Marines that may have been stationed there around that time. I hated to hear they closed the Barracks. Semper Fi.
Posted 3-29-00
Ed Johnson, Sgt., 85 - 88
I first served as Cpl of the Guard. Then when the Barracks closed, I became a coach on the Rifle Range and later was the Training NCO for the MCSF Schools Office with Maj Weygandt. Does anyone remember rapelling from a huey or spy rigging on a CH-53? I sure miss the good old days at Mare Island!
Posted 4-18-00
L/CPL Tim McGuire, 87-91
First of all I would like to say, this is one outstanding site. Some of you might remember me as 'Shakey Jake' and then some of you might not want to remember me. Like Capt MacDonald, SSgt Giles and a few other higher ranking people. I do have to say that while I was on Mare Island, I have alot of good memories like; taking a little helicopter ride to Concord Weapons Station. Going on the "Cowboys Out of Control Tour" NOT getting shot at Nations Burger waiting on Chris Morrow And Joe Nikoli in Hawaii and most of all trying to hide from 1st SGT Dotts Saturday working parties. I recently came back from being on the Island. It was sad to see where I used to live all boarded up . BLDG 621. Every place that we all used to go is now boarded up. PX, Post Office, Chesty's. But WE still have our memories of that place and they can't close it or board it up.
Posted 4-21-00
David Zambrano, Cpl "Z", 77 - 80
Stationed at the barracks 1977 - 1980. I knew frank Leonard and Richard Rard., Daniel Carassco, Al Gaeta, Rudy Quiones, Russ "Preacher" Marler, etc; and I hung around with Buddy Wilds. This is during the command of Lt. Col. Smith and Maj. Hoffman. Buddy and I would perform in local theater in town. Served in the Guard, Marksmanship Instructor, Chesty's Asst. Manager, and was always a part of Capt. Graham's recon team during field problems.
Posted 5-10-00
Sgt. Trimmer M., 85 - 88
Hey Leathernecks!! If anyone knows where Sgt. Wright or Cpl. Kerr are located, let me know. (T.J., Semper Fi)
Posted 7-1-00
Bill Wallace (Wild Bill), 75 - 78
and (updated 11-21-05)
Hi my name was Bill Wallace or Wild Bill at the time I was stationed at Marine Barracks Vallejo. I was there from February 1975 until May of 1978. Only 1 or 2 Marines that were there the day I got there were there the day I left and that's out of a staff of approx. 110 men on board. I arrived as a PFC and left as SGT. Spent time as the Education NCO until I made E-5 and then they kicked me down the hall to the guard. Spent a year as SGT of the guard and I believe I had third platoon. OORAH - the CO there at the time thought that experience would make me re-up!!!! I'd love to hear from anyone who was there then or anytime really. Can't believe they closed the place. SEMPER FI to all BILL W
Posted 7-3-00
Tim Hebert, (A-bear), 89 - 91
was a lance corporal in fast company from 1989-1991; i remember duty at chestys, long runs in the wasteland, humps in the old weapons storage area, pistol shotgun and rifle ranges and most of all all the great people i lived worked and served with. Anybody who wants can write me back. Semper fi
Posted 7-10-00
Lcpl Guerrero, Marcos 1/91 - 7/91
MCSFBNPAC SCHOOLS (Diego Garcia 8/91-8/92)
Went through security forces school but had to get recycled because a serious head injury, if any one was stationed at M.I. during that time they might remember that incident. I had a lot of great friends some of which I keep in touch with still, some I ran into in the fleet. I have some pictures I would love to share with others that I believe all can enjoy. To all the memories both good and bad, I wish all luck and good fortune. Marcos Guerrero (Formerly Sgt "G")
Posted 8-12-00
James S. Kerr, Sgt, 5/73-7/75
First served as Cpl of the guard. Then became the NCOIC at Skaggs Island. Became the S.O.G. of 2nd Guard in 1/75 and was discharged in 7/75. Lost some very good friends in a car crash in early 75 some of them with whom I had spent some time with just before that fatal incident. I don't know how you got them but some of the pictures displayed on this web site under 1973 partying at Chesty's I remember taking myself. It was good to see them again and some of the old friends I use to know. Anyone that remembers me can feel free to e-mail me. I still live in the area so I'd be happy to tell you of how much the place has changed. Semper Fi... Jim Kerr
Posted 8-20-00
John P.
Evans, Sgt., 53 - 54
Sgt of the Guard, Marine Barracks and Naval Ammunition Depot, Mare Island, February 1953 through March 1954. I was stationed at Marine Barracks, MI, during this period after returing from Korea where I served with Baker Company, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division from 1/52 to 1/53. I would be interested in hearing from anyone that might have been there during that period. Mare Island was a great duty station and I have many fond memories of my tour of duty there. After Mare Island, I spent two years at MCRD, San Diego as a DI. Are any of my old recruits out there?
Posted 12-4-00
Gysgt Banez, Manolo, G Retired 1986-1988
Guard Chief and Jack-of-all-trades
Lt Roffee and I stood up the Marine Barracks in 1986. I worked with then Lcpl Capoot, Lcpl Frank, Lcpl English, Lcpl Bishop, Cpl Brown, Cpl Griffith, Cpl Passifuime, Gy Bennett, and many others. Lt Roffee and I recently ran into each other here in Southern Ca, San Diego area. It was nice to remember the good times. Yes, I remember rapelling and spy-rigging with all the NCO's in FAST Co. Mr Roffee is now a civilian and is our neighbor here in the Poway area. I retired in 1994 from Camp Pendleton. SEMPER FI to one and all.
Posted 12-20-00
CPL William A. Wilds, Food Services, 1977-1980
Nearly everyone knows me as Buddy Wilds. I served (literally...haha!) in the messhall under GySgt Richard Salvatore until he retired. I would love to know what happened to him. I served there with Sgt Jim Maag (Kansas), Sgt Mark Peters (?), Sgt Johnny Cox (California), Sgt Brian Wilson (NJ), Sgt Robert Basconcillo (California), Cpl Mark Coffman (Texas), Cpl James Bryant (California), Cpl Jaime Toro (NJ) ,and GySgt Robert Davis (NJ). Any information on these individuals would be greatly appreciated. My best buddies were Cpl Lee Lillard and Cpl David Zambrano, both of whom I have kept in contact with. Through this message board I have reconnected with Frank Leonard, Bill Wallace, and Rick Rard. Great memories.
Posted 1-27-01
Charles D Minton (SGT.) 89-91
This is an awesome site. It's about time that someone remembers the significance and history that the Marine Barracks has. I was with 1st plt FAST CO for most of my time on the Island. Idid RFDF at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Washington State and MPPF at Indian Island, Washington State with Capt Glenn T. Pointfield and SSgt "got a smoke" Seldon. When Saudi kicked off, I went to 4th plt to support the escort of the MPPF ships Lumis, Button, Lopez with Lt. William "Wild Bill" Mullin, and Capt Headequest. I would like to chat with my fellow Platoon members and all who where at the Island with me, and if anyone knows the whereabouts of Cpl Dave Keefer, Lcpl Byron Sofonowski, Mike Pitchie, Steve Cook, Mickey Huseman and Shaun Pyatt please contact me. I'm still on active duty, married with 4 kids and stationed Golf CO 2nd bn 8th Mar Camp Lejeune NC. SEMPER FI to all!
Posted 1-29-01
SSgt Miller, 84-86
I just discovered this website and can't tell you how many memories it has brought back. I haven't seen Mare Island (or Californina) since I left for Camp Lejeune after the deactivation ceremony in May 86. I retired in 1996 as a 1stSgt and now work for the Morehead City, NC Police Dept. I remain good friends with Bob Bennett (who also retired as a 1stSgt... 1995). Would love to hear from any of you who were with us back then. Yes, Johnson, I remember rapelling from the huey in front of the barracks. I also remember rapelling from the second floor to the basement inside the building. I think Capt Sanders about had a stroke. I remember alot of other things Bob Bennett and I got into but some of those are best left unsaid. I'd love to get back out to one of the reunions. Let me know when they go.
Posted 1-30-01
Sgt Gene Redding, 83-84, 86-89
I served at mare Island first as a student at the Navy's CSTSC command, then as an instructor there from 86-89. I lot happened in my life while living in those barracks and I'd like to hear from others assigned during my time frame. I entered the MECEP program in '89 straight from Mare Island, attended The Citadel from 89-92, got a commission and served in Camp Pendleton from 93-96. I got out in '96 and I now work as a Financial exec (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) for Citicorp Investment Services in San Francisco. I'm active in the reserves and am a Captain in a LSB Unit in Concord Ca. I had a few role models while at MI that helped me get to MECEP: GySgt Bennett, andSSgt Mcreary(Mac). Ironically, I bumped into Col Gunther (who endorsed my MECEP package in '89) on the day I graduated from OCS in Quantico in '90. I find any excuse to drive by that beautiful barracks building (of course, these days its a little run down) because the memories are so vivid.
Posted 2-24-01
Cpl Stephen L. Ricket , 89 - 91
I was stationed at the island from 80 - 91 and was attached to CSTSC. I am looking for other CSTSC Marines and some Marines I knew in the Fast Platoon.
Posted 3-28-01
Daniel J Whyte, 63 - 65
My name is Daniel j. Whyte.Stationed 1963,64,and 65. Left Mare Island in July 1965. Went to San Deigo, became drill instructor. Retired as Gysgt. December 1976. Semper Fi, Gunny Whyte.
Posted 3-29-01
Jack Courtney, L/Cpl, 1961-63
Greetings to all fellow Marines, I was stationed at the barracks,61-63. Stood maingate, Corporal of Guard. Skaggs Island, Corporal of guard and roaving patrol. The barracks at Skaggs was wood along with the chowhall.(old days) the funniest episode that I can remember at the Island was, when a Navy Lt.Jg. hit and killed the Admirals dog in front of his quarters. Lt. then left the scene and was found drunk at the officers club on top of the hill. Also can remember a beer/wine joint outside maingate on Tennesse St. Spent most of our time there, cant recall the name? Just recently retired from the Metro-Dade P.D. after 30 yrs. Anyone gets to Miami, give me a call 305-383-3650 or email Semper Fi
Posted 4-4-01
Barrett, 83 - 86
Hello Marines! My name is Billy Barrett. I was stationed at Mare Island from 1983-1986.During that time I saw a lot of people come and go, and I saw the Barracks change it's mission several times. From guarding the shipyard to the main gates, I participated in both. I also had a brief stint in maintenance--a break from guard duty. Soon after the closure of the Barracks, I discharged. I have remained in California since leaving the Corps,and I have attended several of the reunions that T.J. has organized.Also,I have had the pleasure of meeting the creator of this website which keeps the history of the Barracks alive. Thanks Jim! I would like to hear from anyone stationed at the barracks. Semper Fi, B.Barrett
Posted 5-6-01
David D. Newman, MSgt, Retired , 78 - 81
I was stationed at the Marine Barracks in Vallejo, CA from March 78-Oct 81. I met many good Marines while I was there. Frank Leonard was the one that told me of this web sight. Thank You Frank. I have a lot of good memories of the Barracks and would like to find some of the other Marines that may have been stationed there at the same time I was. I was very disapointed when I heard of the Barracks closing. Semper Fi.
Posted 5-17-01
John McNiel, Cpl, Rifle Range Qualifications from TI, 1959
Went to Mare Island in 1959 for rifle
qualification. Was stationed at USNS Treasure Island at the time.
Usually would have taken no more than a week to complete quals,
but had something interesting happen that kept us an extra week.
Seems we (and the Navy) had to go on a man hunt for one of the
civilian guards who had killed somebody in downtown Vallejo.
Issued live rounds and under the submarine bldgs we went with
lights driven by portable generators. After 3 days of searching,
pistol instructors had him cornered so the guy blew his own head
off with a 45. Chow sure was good there. Semper Fi - Mac
1959 - USNS TI
60-62 3rdMAW El Tor
Posted 7-20-01
Dan Roffee, 87 - 88
Hi, My name is Dan Roffee, and I was stationed at Mare Island 1987-1988 with the Refueling/Defueling Platoon and then with FAST Company, First Platoon. I live in San Diego now.
Posted 8-21-01
Cpl Jerry Troyer 73 - 77
(updated 11-13-06)
3rd guard and rifle range. Would like to here from anybody who served at the Barracks during this time period.
Posted 10-28-01
Phillip Johnson, Cpl, Rifle and Pistol Range, 1977 - 1979
I'm so glad I heard about this web site from Frank Leonard. He and I were both stationed on Mare Island along with David Zambrano, Richard Rard, Daniel Carrasco, Thomas, Mullins, Freeman, and a lot of other good marines. I was also sorry to hear that the base had closed. It sure would be great to have a reunion someday. Anybody that remembers me is welcome to contact me anytime. I think our group were the best people that I could have ever served with in the Marine Corp. God bless you guys and Semper Fi
Posted 11-21-01
Mike Pappas, LCpl, 1974 - 1975
Student at CSTSC
That grand ol' place just had "Marine" written all over it, and more jarhead history than most of us probably realized! Even though I was there less than a year, the other CSTSC students and I rubbed many an elbow with the guards and range personnel. We hoisted a beer or two with our Marine buddies at Chesty's and I certainly remember the tragic auto accident. The night that it happened, myself and a couple other "student" Marines were partying hard with the unfortunate group. If there would have been room in the Camaro, we probably would have piled in with them and well ... just sad, sad memories are left. I still have some pictures, the newspaper clippings and fond memories of knowing those fine young Marines who didn't become "older" Marines with the rest of us. A "Chesty's Place" t-shirt is one of the most cherished mementos of my time on Mare Island. The handball court, shooting range, sauna, weight room and good chow all added to the wonderful experience of being there. Hoping to hear from anyone who was there. Semper Fidelis
Posted 2-2-02
Walt Lindsey, Security Forces School, 1989
I was stationed at Mare Island to go to the Security Forces School from around Mar. 89 to May 89. I've been looking for a bro that I was in boot at MCRD San Diego with (plt 2081), we went to LeJuene together for SOI and went to Mare Island together. He went to FASTCo and I went to NSB Bangor and haven't heard from him since. His name is Lee Munsell from the Kansas City area. Sad to hear the barracks went down. Lots of memories from the laundry room with the squidly officers daughters. Keep up the good work on the web site.
Pat Lynch,
Marine Barracks, Dec 77-Jun 80, Pvt-Cpl
MCSFBN, Pacific, 90-93, SSgt
. . I had the pleasure of being
stationed at Mare Island twice. The first time on Barracks
duty in Starboard Guard Section. I drove the big yellow
station wagon. When I got married, I lived on Skaggs
Island. The memories are endless - the people were
fantastic. The stories I could tell..... What a true
band of brothers. I have never, in my 21 year career, had
such a close relationship and a sense of family as I did while
. . I still have contact with
Ritchie Schmidt, and he has contact with Pete Jimenez.
Ritchie married a local girl and still lives in the general
vicinity. Pete also married a local girl and is a cop in a
local police department. You can get in contact with
Ritchie or Pete thru me. I ran into Earl T. Berg in about
1981 - He was a mailman. I also ran into Gary Couch in
about 1988 - He was a Captain flying Cobra helos.
. . The second time I was there was
as the Intelligence Chief for the MCSF BN. I worked with
the FAST Co and was the Assistant Security Manager for the BN. My
office was the old DNCO/Guard Office. Boy the change that
had taken place in 10 years. I could not believe it.
The old chow hall was converted to the schools offices. The
guard offices and recreation rooms were now the S-2, S-3, &
S-4 offices. I was one of the last Marines to leave the
barracks when it was shut down in 93. We had a folding table, a
couple of chairs, one computer, about 10 people, and that was
about it. My last day there, I was promoted to GySgt.
So I had the honor of being the last Marine to be promoted
. . I do have pictures and will
forward them when I get a chance. Thanks for the chance to
stroll down memory lane.
Posted 3-10-02
Gary Leirmoe, 69 - 70
I was stationed at Mare Island from 2/69-4/70.At that time it was a place for marines who had just returned from Vietnam and were having a hard time adjusting. The C.O. at that time was a Col. Treadwell, who was a mustanger.He was a fair man, but the wrong man to cross.We also went on cross-country brig chasing trips. I think,at the time, the pay was $25.00 per trip.I would like to contact a Joe Taylor, A.K.A. Chief, who was a good friend at Mare Island.Any help you could give me in locating him would be appreciated.
Posted 6-22-02
Walter Colbert, L/cpl, 86 - 88
Semper fi marines. I am Walter Colbert from Alabama I was a L/cpl and was stationed at Mare Island from Mar-86---June-88. I made alot of good friends there. I was the one who drove the red and silver ford pickup with loud mufflers. I was on gate duty then sub duty then fast company. I left in 88 to go to 3/1 at pendleton. Discharged in 1989. I am a police officer in Boaz, Alabama now. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. ooh rah .....
Posted 7-20-02
PFC Michael C. Jordan, 1964
Wow! I was stationed at the Barracks while going to Navy crypto school. My best memories of the Marine Corps were there. Absolutely the finest mess hall in the Corps when I was there. Steak and eggs every weekend. They left the reefers unlocked at night if anybody wanted a snack. It had a basketball court in one of the wings and old holding cells in the basement where they had the laundry room. Spooky! I think the picture of the unidentified white building with a tree in front was the Marine club. Saw the Beatles on the TV in the club when they made their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. O to roll back the years and catch a jitney to town on a paysay Friday eve. Catch a bus and go to San Francisco for the weekend. Stay and play at the Marine Memorial Hotel. Rooms for active duty enlisted were $13.00 per night and mixed drinks were 35 cents at the fourth floor bar. After all the battles time turned out to be the worst enemy.
Posted 8-7-02
Kelly D. Motichek, Cpl, FAST Co, Sep 91 - 93
I was stationed at Mare Island with FAST Co from September of 91 until they closed FAST in 93. Being with FAST on the island was definitely the best time that I had in the Marine Corps. I was the honor grad of CQB Assault Course class 2/92. Damn, that was a tough school. I couldn't wait to get out of that class and away from Cpt Headaquist. Just my luck, as soon as I graduated he became the CO of FAST Co. I remember 1STSGT Phillips putting the whole company on "Fire Extinguisher Watch" because someone shot one down the hall. I would love to hear from some of the guys that were there. Those were the best of times. We all thought that we were the bastard stepchildren of the Marine Corps. Not so, from there I was sent to 2/7 Echo Co. at the beautiful 29 Palms Marine resort and found out that life on the island was pretty good.
Posted 11-12-02
Walter (jaystone) Johnson, 1982 - 1984
Thank you for taking the time out to create this page. My name is Wali Asad, at the time of my service I was known as Walter (jaystone) Johnson. I served at the Barracks 1982-1984, alongside some of the best men and NCO's the Corps produced. Maj. Parsons and First Sergeant Van tassle. I shall never forget the Men who served at Mare Island, Semper Fi. Oorah!!! Remember the good times, remember the bad, remember the "libo" we never had.
Posted 11-20-02
GySgt Kiah Taylor, 1983 - 1985
Was stationed at the Barracks from Aug 83 to mar 85. was in the guard section. Reconize a few of the names in the posting here. Have some old pictures someplace that I will scan and have sent in. Was Married to my wife in the Mare Island Chapel will send some of those pictures too. Would like to hear from anyone who served with me in Mare Island.
Posted 12-05-02
Cpl-Sgt Jim Mahoney 84-88
Short time gate guard, Long time rifle range/team
Great sight!!! Lots of great memories, working on the range and of the most winning rifle team on the West Coast. I was heart broken when I heard they were closing the base, MB Mare Island had so much history, I remember working on the historical room were we had all of the photo albums and memorabilia, lots of neat stuff. If anyone remembers my wife, (short blond) she worked in Chestys for lunch when I was stationed there. She even ran the buffer and polished the floor in the game room next to Chestys. Does anyone remember if you signed the back of the Chesty Puller picture when you transfered. I will start sending pictures to the webmaster. Semper Fi to all, and if you remember me send me a e-mail.
Posted 12-07-02
L/Cpl James L. Bottoni,1970 - 1971
Semper Fi ! Excellent site!!! Brought back a lot of great memories of my time stationed at Mare Island, MarineBarracks. Was also at Skaggs Island for about 12 mos. Would like to hear from anybody else from this time period. Sgt. Handley was Sgt. of the guard at Skaggs Island. L/Cpl Krull are you out there. I do have a few pictures from my time there, will scan and send to the webmaster.
Posted 12-26-02
Captain Walter Baschnagel, 1964 - 1968
Supply Officer, Fiscal Officer, Game Warden, Maintenance Officer,
. . I lived in Quarters M-5 while posted
there. I can verify the ghost stories of hearing footsteps
and other noises at night in these Civil War era quarters.
In a walkin closet on the second floor of M-5 there was a section
of the floor about 12"x12" that lifted out where the
occupant could hide valuables, etc. Who knows what?
. . While exploring the attic, 4th floor, I found a
letter that had been written by the officer occupant to his wife
in France informing her of the happenings on Mare Island in the
1800's. Either he didn't mail it or it was
returned. I placed the letter on a hallway table but
when I looked for it the next morning it had disappeared?
Never found it again?
. . The small cottages behind the quarters,
including the one behind the CO's, were servants quarters.
They were civilians and received free rooms and utilities in
return for a set number of hours (very minimal) performing
housework. This use of these quarters continued while I was
there and still was in effect when I left.
. . The "Storm Windows" on the front of
the Marine Barracks were installed prior to my being there.
Their primary purpose was prevention of heat loss from the
wind. The building had new windows, interior doors and the
building was resurfaced and painted during my watch.
. . Just reminiscing.
Posted 1-10-03
Mickey Huseman, Fast Co, 1988 - 1991
To all, its great reading through the messages and remembering all the great times we used to have and old 621, M-37 and H-73. Going to Washington and Hawaii. Reading from Chris Marrow, who I still talk to about once a year or so. Big ole Garret, Shaky Jake and Sgt. Minton. Those were years ago and we still remember them. I am now a Sgt. with the East Dubuque, IL Police Dept. a lot of the things I learned at Mare Island helped me get my job and the rank I have today. If anyone wants to contact me I would love to hear from you. Also Chuck I will E-Mail you. Semper Fi!
Posted 1-10-03
Ed Malcom, SSgt USMC
I spent almost 16 years in the Corps, but never had the opportunity to serve at Mare Island. However: My father, Pvt. James T. Malcom, originally enlisted in the Corps at Mare Island in 1903. He served two 4-year tours of duty, and was discharged at Naval Station, Norfolk, VA in 1913, having taken a one-year civilian hiatus from 1908 to1909. Just some history for you. Semper Fi
Posted 1-19-03
Thomas (Blu) Martin, 1977 - 1978 (updated
I was stationed at Marine Barracks January 1977 to June 1978. My partner in crime was Willy J.E. Williams. I would like to here from Marines of that era. I talk to Willy and John Muehling on a monthly basis. Look forward to hearing from many.
Posted 1-22-03
Gary Harloff, Cpl., 1967 - 1970 or
Stationed at Marrine Barracks, Mare Lsland from Oct. 1969 to Sept. 1970 Your site is to be commended, it brought back allot of memories for me. I was stationed there after returning from Viet-Nam. Col. Treadwell, If I remember right, he had gotten passed over for General and was being forced to retire after I got discharged. He treated us (Viet-Nam Vets) pretty special. I sure have lots of stories as we all do of that special place. I am going to list a few friends from that time hoping someone, or them, will get in contact with me. Some of the names, are nicknames... Sgt. Mccovery, Cpl. Hewitt, (Howy) Don Jatone, Chewy, Pappy (worked at the enlisted club) and all the guys on our fast pitch softball team, I wish I could remember everyones name but it was a long time ago, but not a forgotten time.
Posted 3-18-03
Chris C Wedge, USMC Retired, 1981 - 1986
Stationed at M-37 for aprox 5 years as the armorer and range personnel. Was suppose to get orders after 3 years but the rumor of the barracks closing caused the monitor to retain in our MOS. Retired from the Marine Corps in Sept of 2001. Going threw some old photos and scrap books, I remembered this site was out there. It is indeed the greatest web site, that brings back so many fond memories. I remember some of the names listed but not all from that time frame. I also got married at the chapel on the island there. When the Barracks transformed to Fast Co, I received orders to the Air Wing for a couple of years. Later went on I & I duty in Hayward CA and took reserves to Mare Island to shoot on range. What a change had taken place in the amount of time I was gone. We had a very tight unit there and a family of Marines that I will never forget. I have some old photos that I will try to get to you as soon as possible. Any Marines stationed on the Island at this time please drop me an e-mail. Live in Michigan now but would like to attend a reunion if another takes place. Semper Fi - Top Wedge
Posted 4-06-03
Al (Ski) Dombkowski Cpl.
Nov78 - Sep79, Oct80 - Oct81
I was stationed at Marine Barracks Mare Island while I was a student, and later instructor, at CSTSC. Even though I was with the Naval school I was pretty tight with the MB guard. I remember a bunch of the guys who have posted here or are mentioned, including SSgt Leonard, Zambrano, Marler, and Newman. If I remember correctly, Newman was the ping pong champ. Does anyone have info on Cpl. Thigpen or Cpl Weisenthorn? How about Sgt Lopez with the TransAm? I love the pictures of the old barracks and would like to hear from anyone stationed thare at the time.
Posted 5-5-03
Mark Rehberg, FAST Co., 87 - 90
Hello former FASTCo Rangers and Cowboys out of control...
I'm Mark Rehberg, and I served with FAST Company from 87-90. Initially with the weapons platoon, but also with 1st platoon. I deployed to Bremerton and Pearl Harbor for RF/DF missions, and also did one on the island. Remember Chesty's? I also helped with the remodel of that club, and I worked at the rifle range for a while before being transferred to the fleet (B Co 1/1, Camp Pendleton).
This is an awesome web site, and I'm sorry it took so long to find it. I must say it took some help from Troy Krieder to get here. If you were on the Island the same time I was, or if you remember me, then get in touch and let me know where to contact you. We need a reunion. There were to many good guys that we've lost contact with. Semper Fi.
Posted 6-2-03
Sgt scott
kerlee, 1987 - 1989
Semper Fi , to all those hard charges that we in my squad or platoon and or supported me in the exstensive remodel at 621 and the hosptal and most of all our watering hole chesteys club, It was a challange to meet some of those finish dates for the command but we did and my thanks goes out to each and everyone that help,
Posted 9-16-03
Mike Wilson, 1984 - 1986
New email just in case anyone of you remember me and want to say hey. I was stationed at "Marine Barracks Mare Island" from 84-86. I was an 0311/8151 stationed at both Main and North Gates as well as Ferry Watch, and there were many. Played football, basketball and softball for the Barracks. A whole lot of stories to be told about that place. It makes for good reunion material. Found Cpl. Danny Favier (COG) Bravo section. Still looking to contact others from the Barracks. Anyone know where the hell Cpl. Rene Lopez, or L/Cpl Bill "Big Daddy Dirtbag" Schereen. Let's get the ball rolling for a reunion next year. Vegas anyone? Semper Fi
Posted 10-7-03
Mark S. Christopherson ( Sgt. C ), 1987 - 1990
Hello. I was served at Mare Island as a weapons instructor form 1987 to 1990. I am not sure of the dates any more as it was some time ago. I was know as Sgt. C. I got out of the Corps in 1995 40% disable due to some problems. I should have retired in 2003, but that was not to happen. If anyone knows or remembers me feel free to contact me. My memory is sorta bad but if you bear with me and hint along I will remember. I hope to hear from someone soon. Oh, I am married with a 17 year old boy and a 9 year old girl and live in northern Iowa. I remember a Marine named Gunny Gouch who was the range OIC from Iowa. Anyone know him or his were abouts? Hope to hear from you.
Posted 10-11-03
Joe Foster, Cpl., Fast Co.
2nd Plt. Pirates 1989 - 1993
Thank you for putting this website together. I served with FAST CO. from 89-93 and it pains me to see how things have changed. That Beach's Bar will always be known to me and others who served there as "Chesty's". And the building across the street from the Blt. HQ was our coin laundry. I'll have to send you some of my photos. Thanks again, I think we need to have a "Weed Eater" party at the Mare some day.
Posted 12-13-03
Jim Beland, Cpl, 1980 - 1981
I was stationed at Mare Island for just a year. I left Sea Duty on the Nimitz due to my mother's death. When I was transferred to Mare Island, I worked mostly at Chesty's. I did a little bit of guard duty and a few weeks in Maintence.
Posted 2-7-04
Ken - "Mare Island Histoic Park Foundation"
Hello Marines: This message is from the Mare Island Histoic Park Foundation, Kenneth Zadwick, Founder. There is confusion in that the Mare Island Museum is not open yet except for a photo display for tourists. There are photos of the original Marine Barracks and the replacement (present) Barracks. This present Barracks is part of the Mare Island National Historic Landmark and is preserved, but available for lease or purchase. The Museum referred to in the current writeup must be the Vallejo Naval and Historical Mueum (I am a past Pres.), located in the City. Our Museum is a conversion of Building 46, on the former base of Mare Island., completed in 1855 under Farragut. Tours, weddings (St. Peter's 1901 Chapel), events at Alden Park or the Commandant's Mansion are available. Also, we are developing a Radio Station, NN6MI, and laboratory in the Museum. Also a Navy/Marine Corp MARS station. To keep up see expanding web site: Ken, NE6Y
Posted 9-05-05
To the Marines out there that check the Message Board and know and may not know Fred Fuentes. I just spoke with him. He's fine and in good spirits. He did ride the storm out on the 5th floor of a motel. He managed to make it out and is with family in Texas. If anyone would like to contact him, I got his ok to give out his #, (707) 673-7150. Also Mare Island Marine Motichek I understand is from Louisiana as well just north of New Orleans.
Thoughts and prayers are with both Marines and there families.
Mike Wilson
Marine Barracks Mare Island 84-85
Posted 9-18-05
Larson, 1982 -1986
Former Wife of Cpl. Duran. I really miss all my friends from Marine Barracks Mare Island. If anyone remembers me please feel free to drop a line or two. I was cleaning the other day and found a Roster from our first USMC Marine Barracks Mare Island Reunion that we held at our house in Fairfield, CA. At any rate Cpl. Duran & I went our separate ways but the people I met at that time in my life are still near & dear to my heart. My name way back when was Jeannette Kryszewski and I lived at 911 Klein...I know a lot of you remember the Chocolate Chip Cookies and coming to mom & dad's for a home cooked kinda adopted you were like Big Brothers to me...I will never forget any of you and your friendships. Semper Fi (Pretty cool coming from a Navy Brat huh?)
Posted 10-9-05
Jeffrey A Joiner, LCpl, FAST Co., WPNS
Plt, 1989 - 1991
I think this is a very cool site.I am looking for any fellow brothers who served with FAST CO. WPNS PLT from ' 89-' 91.I was frequently found at Chesty's with a pitcher of beer instead of a glass.Myself,Cpl Benz and Cpl ' Ski could usually be found playing cards with other brothers on payday or taking in a ballgame at Giants or A's stadium.I just recently visited Mare Island in Sept. and had to laugh that the obstacle course is still standing,and to my surprise was still able to make it to the top of the rope even after shoulder surgery.My fiancee really enjoyed seeing and hearing the stories of where I spent two years of my service.I hope to hear from some old buddies to relive some good times. Semper Fi
Posted 1-22-06
William J. Fillicetti, Cpl, 6/1972 - 10/1974
I spent over two years at Mare Island after serving overseas. Was it a breath of fresh air? Being a flatlander from Chicago, the Hills and Valleys from the coast thru wine country on our way to Lake Berryessa was always alot of fun. We also drank our way there visiting every winery we could find. I am still in the Wine business. When I heard from Lcpl. Mike Wilson by email about an upcoming reunion and visited the Marine Barracks web site, I could not believe that the base would be shut down, I used to watch the Nuke subs being refueled and refitted while on Guard duty at the ferry launch. Many fantastic memories have surfaced and I am glad about this website which is managed by Sgt. Holub. I will go to the next reunion and will make time to visit Mare Island. When in the Chicago area visit a Bar on the northside of the city called Jarheads, ran by two tour Nam Vets. It reminds me of Chesty's. I hope to meet any or all at the reunion, until then sighning off. Semper Fi.
Posted 1-23-06
Cpl.Chuck Carpenter, 1192819, 6/07/51 - 6/09/55
I was stationed at Mare Island at the retraining command when we got orders to move the entire retraining command to Camp Elliott, San Diego. I was part of about 25-30 marines that went ahead of the others to ready the base to recieve the prisoners. They sent us work details from around, (with their chasers) S.D brigs for the labor that had to be done to reopen the camp. We were there about a month before the ship brought them (the prisoners) from Mare Island. I finished out my 3 years there at Camp Eliott, just a few miles east of where I was originally station after boot camp, Which was as a Camp Matthews rifle range Coach. We all could tell stories about Camp Elliott, even taking in wet backs that wandered to close to Camp Elliott, we would put them in a squad bay, feed them and call the border patrol. Sometimes they were back the next week. Seems as tho there are still a lot of problems around that area. MSgt Dennler was our gunny at Camp Elliott, a real true Marine. As you can see I spent an extra day in service, I was supposed to be released on Sat. but they didn't work on sat, so Dennler made me wait until Monday to get my papers. So we got drunk together at the Camp Elliott Inn that weekend, just like many weekends before. Hope to hear from any stationed at Mare Island or Camp Elliott. Chuck Carpenter, 13681 State Hwy 14, Billings, MO, 65610 or at CRCARP007@CS.COM. PS I wasn't always a missourian, I was originally from OKLA BY GOD HOMA
Posted 2-13-06
Thomas Nola, CPL, 1966-1968
Ive got so many great memories of the years I spent at Mare Island. I remember a number of Marines whom Id love to hear from. Although a great number of years have passed since, some of the names havent escaped me - GySgt Shotwell, Sgt. Lelito, Sgt. Mena, Lt. Baschnagel, Sgt.Major Stoner, Major Jack Hanston, Col.Cereghino, Cpl. Fish, Sgt. Herdzik. Does anyone remember the motor home that the barracks purchased for Marines getaways? Please respond if you remember me. Semper Fi
Posted 2-27-06
MSgt Lozada, 1987 - 1991
I Msgt Lozada just retired in 2000 and I wanted to post a message to all who served with me from 1987-91. I was there for the official opening of the MCSF Bn West Coast. I also served with the FAST Unit Wpns section. If you have any picture of our initial training there please send them to me. Thanks
Posted 2-27-06
Robert Hare, LCpl,Fast Co., 4th
I was stationed on Mare Island in 1991-1993 as a Marine in Fast Company, Fourth Platoon. I went back with my wife in the summer of 2005. It brought back a lot of memories of my days there, mostly good and some bad. I was able to see my old barracks before it was scheduled to be demolished (building 621). This is a really good web site. I'm glad that I found it. I'm interested in hearing from any of the Marines that I was stationed with on Mare Island (especially Rob Adams, Chris Miller, and Johnny Whitehead). I was the quiet skinny red-head from Illinois (not so quiet or skinny anymore). After that Marine barracks closed I was stationed at 29 Palms with 1/7. I hope to be able to make it back to Mare Island for a visit again to see how it has progressed.
Posted 6-12-06
Eugene Anderly, 1958 - 1959
I am probably one of the oldest Marine respondents who served at Mare Island. I have always wanted to get in touch with some of my buddies that I served with. During my tour of duty I played defensive end and line backer for the Mare Island Mariners who at the time had big ten players on the team. The coach called me the truck because I was the biggest guy on the time, weighing in at 250 pounds. This was a great duty station, bringing back many memories.
Posted 10-3-06
Gunny Ray Brown, MCSF Schools, 1989 - 1991
Devil Dogs, I forgot to post my e-mail with my last message so here it is. Anybody who remembers me please write! Some more memories: Cadre Instructors Major Vinson, MSGT Massey, SSGT Lara, SGT Davis. Colonel Goun ? Commanding Officer Hard as nails, XO Major Forte who was also my Series Commander at Perris Island. Motivated MCSF Schools Instructor Sgt Taylor, CPL Skip Carpenter from FAST Co., SGT Martha Merino, outstanding First Female MCSF Instructor, SGT Cecelia Burling who all male Marines (me Too) loved! WM L/CPL Richmond, cute as all get out. Anyone know what happened to them? FAST CO Marines: Any truth to the rumor about a WM CPL Nicknamed Bones being "airtight"! Does anybody out there from schools remember my marathon P.T. sessions, the log runs around the island, and the combat runs up and down the cliffs by the old Naval Magazine. Does anyone have anymore photos of the outside and inside of "Chesty's". I met my wife Paula Toliatos when she worked there as a waitress.The Mare Island Marine Corps Ball held at the Navy Indoor Track and Field Center was the best ball I have ever been to in 22 years of M C Balls. My Father in law who was a 3/5 Marine on Pelilieu and Okinawa (See "The Old Breed At Pelilieu and Okinawa") and was discharged from Mare Island after WWII, and a 3 generation Vallejo resident, attended with me and my wife and it brought him to tears. He reconnected to his Marine Corps past and the memories that he had never spoken of for so long. We were so close after that. He told me things about the war that he had never spoken of to any other person. I wished he had wrote them down in memoirs or I had taped them, for sadly he is no longer with us and those memories are now lost to the generations of Marines yet to come. That's why this site is so important. It gives all of us value as a human beings, and verifies that we were here on earth and we made a difference. I can kick myself in the butt for never taking any pictures of anything I did in 22 years of Active Duty Service. I have very few photos from my career, and I have done so much and met so many good people. I want my Son to know what his Father did and the places I've been. I am here in Afghanistan now working as an independent contractor and I would love to get some e-mails. Take Care Marines, Semper Fi, I love You All......Ray (Gunny Brown)
Posted 11-13-06
Raymond Brown, GSGT, 1989 - 1991
I originally came to Mare Island For assignment to the Cadre Program and was suppose to post to Adak, AL. Stayed at MCSF and helped run the Cadre Program. Transferred as the NCOIC range ops for schools, than became Cief Instructor at schools. All the Marines at Mare were awesome guys. Marines like Sgt Brian Twedt, Sgt Mark Christopherson, Cpl Nessling, Sgt Soto, WO Gooch and a bunch more. Cpl "ZAK", hope your still not pissed at me (you were a good Marine). I briefly visited Mare in 1996. It was sad to see the neglect and disrepair of what were the most pristine range facilities I have ever seen. I salvaged quite a few of the "pepper poppers" that many of you shot on during training with the pistol and shot-guns. I got them from the swamps behind the berm line and still use them today! Anybody remember me? Please write. I am in Afghanistan now working as an independent contractor. Semper Fi, Ray Brown (MSGT USMC RET)
Posted 11-26-06
Jay Johnson, CPL, 1987 - 1991
Great site, good to see all the familar name!
Posted 1-8-07
Jeff Hoddy, CPL, 1983 - 1986
Rifle Team.
Posted 4-15-07
L/CPL Dan Nelson, March - June 1973
Crypto KY-28 School
Honestly, had the be the best taught school I ever attended. Never used any of it. June saw me off to MCAS NamPhong Thailand. No Crypto there, just mud and heat and ops in Cambodia and Laos.. Here's to "Chesty's Place", finally had surgery a few years ago to repair the damage to my back after head-butting the suspended heater by the pool table. Learnt me to not wear my cover indoors.. once I woke up on the deck.. SF all. Cpl "Steeley"
Posted 4-22-07
Cpl Bill
Caples, 1979 - 1983
Thanks for taking the time to post these messages, great site. I'm Cpl Bill Caples I Came to Mare Island straight from Camp Lejeune and was there from 79-83. saw a lot of Marines come and go. I stood post at the main gate, north gate and skaggs island, then moved over to maintenance. We had a lot of good training and good times while there. I served under Major Hoffman and Major Parsons. I played Football, Baseball, and was on the Mare Island boxing team, I was always very proud to score 300 on the pft's. Some of the best times of my life were on the Island. We used to have some wild times at Chesty's and out in town. I remember names like Newman, Lynch, Jimenez, Shcmidt, Zambrano, Leonard, just to name a few. Today, my son Sgt Matthew Caples is a Drill Instructor at Parris Island, And I have been working for the Fire Dept. for the past 20 or so years. This web site is a great way to keep in touch with former Marines from Mare Island. Take Care, Semper Fi!
Posted 10-16-07
Gilberto Martinez Jr
Anyone having any information on Reginald Payton (MI 1984-?). Only info available is that he lives in L.A.California working as a detective with LA Police or Sheriff Department. Please contact me at my email or 956-225-4681
Posted 12-10-07
Cpl Frederick A. Ballard, 1987 - 1990
My name is Cpl Frederick A. Ballard and I served with the Marine Corps Security Forces Batallion School from 1987-1990 as a combat marksmanship instructor. I was looking at the reunion photo and I think I recognized Tracey Richardson and T.J. O'Connor. I had a great time at Mare and do remember the faces of several Marines I served with. Brian Twedt, Mark Atlee, Cpl Caput, Gunny Graham, W.O. Gooch, Mike Landa, the two Sgt.Robert Wrights and many others. I remember having to move our operation down to Camp Roberts for a few months while our ranges were built and had a great time there. It was a ball attending Gunsite in Arizona with those guys and just remember serving with alot of talented Marines. I actually work with a Marine that I instructed back in 1988. We have been employed with a youth services organization for over thirteen years. I just discovered the site, but if any one sees this. Semper Fi!
Posted 2-24-08
Sgt. Dan Bailey, 1980 - 1985
I was stationed there for a year from 1980 - 1981, what trip down memory lane. I was one of the Marines that was sent from NAS Millington in Tennessee for Computer Training at CSTSC Mare Island. As I recall there may have been 5 or 6 of us "students" at any one time including a couple of WM's who lived in the Navy Barracks. I recall spending Friday and Saturday nights at Chesties with the large picture of the man on the wall. This was the happening place to be on the island. Women and Marines could get in anytime the Squids had to wait in line. I recall a couple of guys jumping off one of the bridges for fun (I think the CO Maj. Parsons had their heads examined). I had a chance to go the barracks in the late 80's and showed my future wife the Barracks and explained Chesties and how it was so popular, she looked at me with a blank stare and I realized like many on this web-site that it means nothing unless you lived it. Simper-Fi.
Posted 2-24-08
Leo Tucker, 1945 - 1947 also 1951 - 1954
I was stationed at MB Mare Island twice. First time was from Dec45 to Sep47. I joined as a PFC. Was assigned to MB Mare Island upon my return from the Pacific where I served during WWII with 3rd Marine Division. While MB Mare Island I stood watches at North Gate. Upon being promoted to Corporal was selected to be the barracks Special Services NCO. Was transferred to MCB Quantico in Sep47. Second time was from Jul51 to Mar54. I joined as a S/Sgt. Was assigned to MB Mare Island upon my return from Korea where I served with C&A Companies of 1stBn 5th Marines. Initially I stood Commander of the Guard watches, In Sep51 was selected to become the NCOIC of Marine Detachment Skaggs Island for 90 days TAD. Each time my TAD was to expire the base commander, of Skaggs a Navy Commander, requested from the CO of MB Mare Island that my 90 days be extended fro another 90 days. During this period I was promoted to T/Sgt. This went on until I was ordered by CMC to Camp Pendleton in March of 1954. Would like to hear from any one who served there during these time periods.
Posted 2-24-08
Ken Kirk
Thanks for all the memories your website brings! I was Sgt of the Guard, B Company for approx 6 months, summer of 1944. Duty included the Marine brig in the basement. Your photo of the 3rd floor recalls the time my "prison chasers" (class 4 retired marines) lost a prisoner. I followed him upstairs, where the 5th Marines (returned from Tarawa) were sleeping all over the floor. I found him at a locker with a bayonet in his hand. He was trying to pry open the locker before we took him to the brig (for about 2 day's confinement)
Posted 3-4-08
Frank Correa, 1988 - 1992
My name is Frank Correa, I was with Fast company 4th plt. I arrived on MareIsland in Dec of 1988 left April of 1992. Some of the best years of my life was on that Island. Served with some great people. Nice to see some names I remember. Semper Fi....
Posted 3-4-08
Robert Sertic, 1952 - 1953
Marine Barracks located at Navy Supply Depot, M. I., Stationed from May 1952 to Oct 1953. Wondering if it looks the same. The barracks closed down in 1992 from what I heard. I'm curious to know. Thank You, Robert
Posted 7-6-08
Robert Sertic, May 1952 - Oct 1953
Wondering if it looks the same The barracks closed down in 1992 from what I heard. I'm curious to know.
Posted 8-25-08
Sgt Johanna Klepac
Trying to contact LCpl Steve McKenna. He was stationed at the Marine Barracks during 1982-1985 and transferred to Camp Pendleton. He used to be on the Marine basketball team. If anyone remembers him and has contact info that would be great. Semper Fi
Posted 8-25-08
Cpl.Donald R.Van Cleave, 1953 and again in 1955
I was stationed at Mare Island in 1953 for one year again in 1955 for 6 mos. waiting on my descharge. C.O. was Col. A.W.Thompson. Never heard of Skaggs Island all the time I was there. What year did we start having Marines standing there? most of my duties was at the Main Gate and North Gate, and of course NAD. Vallejo was a good liberty town. I married a Vallejo girl and we lived a while in Crockett. I am 74 now but still remember Mare Island well. The best duty station in the Corps. Other places I was stationed, in order.... Korea, Mare Island, MCAS Santa Ana, Guam, Back to Mare Island.
Posted 2-26-09
Jack O'Rourke,
My name is Jack O'Rourke. I served at MI from Feb 1960 to May 1963. When I arrived at MI I was a 1st Lt and was assigned to the rifle range as the range officer. I remember GySgt Thompson range NCO, GySgt Merrill asst. range NCO, Sgt Ross armorer, and Cpl Nash butts NCO. I started shooting at M1 with the 45 while on the range. I won the Weat Coast Small Unit Rifle and Pistol Matches in 1963. Capt Red Trader was the Guard Officer and we traded positions sometime in 1962. The Supply Officer was Bob Bruce. Trader, Bruce, and myself were all promoted to Captains with three months of each other and we had a grand wetting down party at the O Club. The Co's were Col Jack Padley and Col Bill Howatt while I was there. We had the best 6 man tackle football team in the 12th Naval District. I had the pleasure of living in base housing at Mare Island. I lived in the farthest single house from the barracks as you faced west. I really enjoyed my three years plus there. It was a long time ago and several of my old friends have transferred to the big base in the sky. I'd like to hear from anyone who was there when I was there. SEMPER FI,
Posted 3-29-09
Ken Kirk
Thanks for all the memories your website brings! I was Sgt of the Guard, B Company for approx 6 months, summer of 1944. Duty included the Marine brig in the basement. Your photo of the 3rd floor recalls the time my "prison chasers" (class 4 retired marines) lost a prisoner. I followed him upstairs, where the 5th Marines (returned from Tarawa) were sleeping all over the floor. I found him at a locker with a bayonet in his hand. He was trying to pry open the locker before we took him to the brig (for about 2 day's confinement).
Posted 3-29-09
O. H. Karl King, 1940
I was stationed at the Mare Island Barracks from Late Feb 1940 to June 1940. I was a 15 year old prison chaser and also walked post. I enlisted in San Fransisco at the age of 14, My records, thanks to an National Guard Captain in Texas, listed my age as 18, I turned 15 (19) in boot camp in San Diego. My first duty station was at Mare Island. I Boarded Chaumont for the Asiatic Station in late June. I remember the nick name of one man at Mare Isalnd. "Babe" was a cartoonist, who drew pictures in color. I would send these pictures, as if I had drawn them, to a girl friend. I was stationed for a short period of time at Tientsen /China, then at the Marine Barracks Cavite PI Navy Yard. ( L/3 /1st Seperarate Marine Batallion) Later fought on Bataan and Corregidor, as part of L/3/4. POW in Japan 1942-1945 Discharged medically as platoon Sgt.
Posted 4-2-09
SSgt. Terry Austin, 1981 - 1983
I was Stationed at Marine Barracks Mare Island from Dec. 1981- Oct. 1983. I was a cook and also worked at the Chesties club as a bar back. Everyone remembers Chesties, it was the best damn club in the bay area and the sailors had to wait in line but we escorted the ladies right in the door. I was a PFC and LCpl while I was stationed at the island and this was my first and best duty. During my time there the cooks consisted of GySgt Pete Lagunas, Sgt. Isidro Guzman, Cpl. Terry, Lcpl Ron Fellows, Lcpl Joseph Key and Lcpl Tony Laguso, also there were Two other Cpls. that were there one male and one WM but I cant remember thier names. We all had some good times at the barracks and lots of memories, some of which are probably best forgotten, I know 1st Sgt. Van Tassle had his hands full with some of us at times. Any one that would like to remenise feel free to contact me at my email address. Semper Fi
Posted 10-28-10
Former Cpl. Hasty, D.R.
I was surfing the web when I ran across your website of the MB Mare Island. It brought back many memories. I was a Marine stationed at NAS Alameda. A small detachment of us went to Mare Island for security of subs. This was in 1986 or 87. Can't remember. One thing I will always remember is having to buy a round of drinks for everyone because I walked into the bar with my cover still on my head. The barkeep rang this bell and everyone in there cheered. Because of that one incident I still take my hat off when I step across doorways to this day.
Posted 11-14-10
L/Cpl James Bottoni, 1970 - 1971
I was stationed at Mare Island Marine Barracks from Sept 1970 until Nov 1971,I was also part of the Marine Detachment to Skaggs Island.I would like to hear from anyone who i served with.we had a mix of Era and In-country Vietnam Vets.I only remember a few names,L/cpl Murphy,L/Cpl Jerry Krull,L/Cpl Lee Swanson,Sgt Hanley it has been a long time. Semper Fi!
Posted 2-23-11
Lonnie W Hibbs, Cpl, 1956 - 1958
Was at the barracks from 1956 to 1958, then shipped over seas. Had gate duty and prison chased. When I arrived at the barracks the bus terminal had lost my duffle bag so the only clothes I had were the kakies I had on, so they stuck me on gate 42 which was out in no where until my clothes arrived lol. I don't remember a lot of the guys that was there at the time but if anyone remembers me please email me and jar my poor memory lol.
Posted 7-24-11
Bill Clifton, 1962 - 1963
Hey there Jerry, my name is Bill Clifton. I was stationed at Marine Barrack at the same time that you were there. With my lousy memory, I can't remember you. I left the 7th Marines after coming back from Okinawa and was sent to Mare Island. I discharged from there August 29, 1963. I do remember a jerk Captain by the name of John O'Rourke. Also Col. Howett. I just happened across this site after spending a considerable amount of time trying to find out if any thing still existed the way it was when I was there and also at Skaggs. I was sent there twice. The pictures on this site show that the buildings are not the same as in 62 and 63. Hope to hear from you Jerry. I am retired from law-enforcement in northern Minnesota. I chummed around with a guy that got out around six months or so before me. His name was Charles Welchert. Chuck as he was known, became a Vallejo Police officer. Hope to hear from you Jerry. Bill Clifton 902 Carlton Ave. Cloquet, Minnesota 55720 218-879-3740
Memory Of
Capoot, of 45 years worked as an officer for Vallejo Police
Department and was
killed in the line of duty while pursuing a bank robbing suspect
on November 17, 2011.
Capoot served in the United States Marine Corps from 1985 -1989.
Serving as a member of Marine Barracks, Fast Co, then as a range
instructor at Mare Island from 1986 - 1988.
Officer Capoot started his 21 year career with the California
Highway Patrol in 1990 and then with the Vallejo Police
Department in 1992.
Cpl. Mike Jacobs, Grandson of GySgt Sandy Shotwell
Fellow Devil Dogs, My name is Cpl. Mike Jacobs and my Grandfather was GySgt Sandy Shotwell. He passed away in 1991 from cancer and still lived in the area. I would love to hear from anybody that knew him. I was still in the Gulf when he died but he did take me to Mare Island once or twice while I was a kid. I still try to go by when I'm in the Bay Area from time to time. Semper Fi
Cathy Patten Haar
Does anyone know if there is a way get info on someone who was stationed at the Mare Island Marine Barracks in 1913? I've just learned, through guardianship records, that a cousin of my grandfather's was stationed there at that time period. His name is Daniel LeRoy Flynn and he was born in Missouri on 13 April, 1892 and was stationed there with the Marines in July of 1913 according to a paper I found in his guardianship file. I've not been able to find any record of him after that. I've been trying to find information on this man for a couple of years now and am thrilled to finally have a lead! Thanks so much in advance for any suggestions you can give me.
Posted 3-31-15
Cpl A. Howard 1984 to 1987
I just found out there was a Message Board for the guys station on Mare Island. If anyone would like to contact me I would like to hear from a some of the guys SEMPER FI (OTIS)
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