26 Messages Since 7-17-00
Posted 7-22-00
Marsh, Robert (boog) L/cpl, 78 - 81
stationed at yorktown from 78 - 81. Would be great to hear from any of you old devil dogs(even if you didn't pack the gear to serve in 2nd platoon.
Posted 1-14-01
Cpl JH Hall, 1st Platoon, Oct 82-Dec 84
Would love to hear from anyone. Currently living in Birmingham, Alabama.
Posted 1-28-01
Tom Goodman (Goody) 1979 to 1983
I was in 1st Platoon, 2n Platoon & S.O.G. at Yorktown, VA. Now living in West Allis, WI.
Posted 3-29-01
Cpl John "Swingin Jack" Curran, 3rd Plt, 1982-1985
Hoping to hear from any 3rd Herd jarheads from the days of Bennie Hill. Presently teaching in Nashville and looking to bump into Moose.
Posted 5-11-01
Lcpl. Stephen R. Rock. 1985-1988
2nd platoon "Zoo Crew"
Where's Lt. Rachel and Ronnie "D" Perry and Gunny Best? Anyone know? I am in contact with many of our former Jar Heads. So let me know where you are so we can grow our contact list. E-mail me. Semper Fi!
Posted 9-15-01
Sgt. Fewox, 2nd Platoon, S.O.G., 79 - 81
Living in Jacksonville, Florida. Would love to hear from any of you knuckle heads who were in 2nd Platoon. I will try and remember who you are but I got about 2 brain cells left and they are waving goodbye to each other !
Posted 12-14-01
Dragan Ristovski, 86 - 88
Anyone knowing Greg Frye where abouts, please contact me. We were stationed together at Yorktown Naval Weapons Station.
Posted 4-7-02
Jeff Langdon (lcpl ), 84 - 86
My name is Jeff Jangdon (lcpl ) in 2nd plt from Dec 84 to 86 then trasfered to 3rd herd. Anyone wanting to chat, mail me.
Posted 4-7-02
LtCol William C. Curtis USMC (Ret), 71 - 73
I was a Captain at the time and spent most of those two years as the OIC of the Main Guard. We still occupied the old buildings built during WW I. Some time during my second year we were working on the plans for the new barracks. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the opening of the new barracks (named Puller memory of LtGen Louis. B. "Chesty" Puller) in 1974. LtCol Ryhanik (sp?) was the CO at the time. Maj Green the XO. Captain Anderson the Adjutant. Capt Luken the OIC of Special Wpns Guard. 1st Lt Fawcett the Asst. OIC at SplWpnGd. 1st Walker Asst. OIC at Main Guard. GySgt Long was the Guard Chief of Main Guard...Note: He was selected for Warrant Officer and after only two years was further selected for commission. A thoroughly superior Marine.
It was a great two years from my perspective and I thought the Marines did a superior job. Of course, there is nothing new in that. Looking back over many years now, the thing that strikes me is that what really makes the Marine Corps what it the individual Marine and how each one form friendship and a sense of unity that bonds them into a unit. The junior Marines are, in the final analysis, the ones that do the "work" of the Corps. So, for those of you who stood post at Yorktown....and/or did those tasks that too often may have seemed like no one was watching and no one cared. Very many were watching and Very many cared!
Fair winds and followings seas........Legio Patria Nostra......and Semper Fidelis, LtCol William Curtis USMC (Ret) 32 years on active duty (1958-1991)...the first 8 as an enlisted of the ribbons I was most proud to wear was the Good Conduct Medal w/star. Officers don't qualify for it, and thus is says that you've served three (or more) years in the ranks.
Posted 12-12-02
Shawn Witmer, Cpl., 1986 - 1988
3rd Herd. Living in Atlanta, GA. GA. State Trooper, trying to find old platoon members.
Posted 4-02-03
Gregory Pawlik, 1971 - 1972
My name is Gregory Pawlik. I was stationed at NWS Yorktown from January '71 through June '72. I was in one of the guard platoons at what was the "mainside" barracks. My last few months was as a squad leader. Highlite of my stay there was being part of the detail of Marines that went up to Saluda VA for the burial of Lt. Gen. "Chesty Puller". Would love to hear from other Marines that were stationed there during my time.
Posted 8-20-03
Stanley A. Witkowski, Sgt., Dec. 1965 - Dec. 1966
Did all three gates. Main Gate was the best one.
Posted 10-20-03
Stanley A. Witkowski, Dec. 65 to Dec. 66
Stationed at Yorktown. 1st. Platoon Main Guard.
Posted 10-20-03
Dan Wilhelm ,corporal, Marine Barracks Armory, 1976 - 1979
Hey guys. Would like to hear from anyone that was stationed at Marine Barracks Yorktown between 76-79. I was NCOIC in charge of the armory and had contact with just about everyone because you all had a rifle to keep clean. I also bounced at a bar called Club 17 on highway 17. If anyone has heard from Joe Hafemiester ( H&S ) or knows how to get in contact with him, please let me know. Would love to hear from anyone else and swap stories of the past years. Semper Fi
Posted 10-20-03
David Turnage, Dec.1965 - Aug.1967
(updated 8-23-04)
My name is David Turnage and I was stationed at NWS Yorktown from Dec. 1965 -Aug.1967. I was on mainside and stood both Main Gate and Marine Gate. Enjoyed my tour as we had great sports activities and won the Fifth Naval District Championship in basketball in 1966. I was promoted from E-1 through E-4 while stationed and worked as Cpl of the Guard for a time. Made many friends there and wish to hear from any who would like to reply. I see Stan Witkowski has been on the board but was unable to reply to the email posted. Where are you man? I left Yorktown and went to Vietnam in Aug. of 1967 and was with 3/4 India Company. I saw several of the guys from Yorktown over there including Rider and Kappan who were with the 9th Marines, can't remember which battalion? I also saw Gunny Taylor who was back over with 2/4. I understand he is now somewhere in North Carolina managing a golf course. WOW Can't picture that! Also I ran into our C.O. from NWS, Lt. Col. Sheppard in PhuBai. I think he was in charge of Special Services there. Would love to hear from any of the guys stationed with me. Semper Fi. 850-663-8313
Posted 10-20-03
Peppard, 1982 - 1985
First Platoon Rules! 82-85. Living in Seattle. Semper Fi. After MB duty I went to the FMF and did two West Pac Cruises and one Persian Gulf War. Hope to hear from others from first platoon. Has anyone heard from Aubrey from 3rd Platoon?
Posted 10-20-03
Everett Perry, 1991
I am looking for past members of 2nd FAST platoons. I have designed the new challenge coin in conjunction with Gunnery Sergeant Starzooski the Battalion Gunnery Sergeant. I have invested about $700 to get them done and I am trying to recover my costs. I was DOC with 1st FAST in 1991 stationed in Bremerton. Please contact me if you are interested. They are $5.00 (They look great) PS I will only sell to past or current members of FAST companies.
Posted 12-27-03
David R. Turnage, Dec1965 - July 1967
I was stationed at Mainside from Dec. 1965- July 1967 when I was shipped out to Vietnam. If anyone that was stationed there during that time frame I would love to hear from them. I have some information on some of the guys that were killed in Nam and I'm sure we would love to get together again sometime. I recall passing "Chesty throught the Marine gate on the parkway several times. He used to come by to shop at the PX.
Posted 2-21-04
Alex Gonzales (Choco), 79-82
Just seeing who is still around.
Posted 8-23-04
Cpl George Kinnaman: MB Sept 64-Oct 65
Mainside and then the Annex. I have forgotten just about everyone. I do remember a Lt Downs. I was transferred out with about 20 others on the 1st Rep unit to Nam.
Memory Of...
Gerard Patrick Kelly
Kelly Gerard Patrick, on July 9, 2004 in Story, Wyoming. Born May 20, 1948 in Brooklyn, New York. A career Marine with 23 years service, Lt. Col. Kelly retired from the Corps in 1993, after serving as commanding officer of the Marine detachment at the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station. Upon retirement, Lt. Col. Kelly moved to Minneapolis, where he was a software specialist for The Gartner Group. His broad interests included aikido (black belt) - in which he served as an instructor and initiated an aikido program in the Hopkins, MN School District - marathon running, kayaking, black powder shooting, archery, bonsai artistry, horseback riding and relaxing with his family at their vacation residence in Story, Wyoming. He was an avid reader, a Rotarian, a student of American and military history, and passionate about anything having to do with his beloved daughters Caitlin and Torin of Minneapolis. In addition to his daughters, Gerard is survived by his wife, Leslie Kelly of Minneapolis, and his brothers Kevin and Michael Kelly of New York City; he was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kelly of Brooklyn, NY. Memorial contributions may be made to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, 801 N. Randolph St., Suite 1228, Arlington, VA 22203-1978, or to the Story Branch Library, Story, Wyoming 82842. Memorial service in the fall; details to follow.
Posted 2-28-05
Rick Windlinx, LCpl, 3rd Herd, 86 - 88
Reaching out to the old herd. I want to see how all are doing.
Posted 2-28-05
Ed Villanueva, 3rd Platoon, 1982 - 1985
Can anyone please e-mail me a copy of the order of the Meritorius Unit Citation that Marine Barracks Yorktown Virginia received in 1984?
Posted 2-28-05
L/CPL Joe Ashton, 2D Plt, Feb 83 - Feb 85
OK,, let's see if I can jog some memories. Friday morning Guard mount, Securing on Friday afternoon (Woo hoo!!) S1 Gate, the ACC (yeah you know me!), The Q, Motor patrols 55, 56, and 57. Two-sixing Air Launch (yuck!!) Structure 1828, The Grotto, Bucks, Busch Gardens, Concerts at the Scope in Norfolk and the Hampton Coliseum. 2D Platoon Rocks! Canto, Bailey, Smith O.!, Turner, Shifley, Sgt. Doran, Sgt Harrelson. Coporal Ballew, Big Joe, Ziegler, Hurley and my room dog Reese. Weber, Farfan, Brown, Bettencourt, McGinty, Post, Goins, and a whole bunch I can't remember right now. Went to the fleet in '85, did a pump to the Med from November '85 to June '86. Made Corporal and took my discharge. Ya wanna know the weird part? I miss everything about the Corps. Currently working in the Post office since '94, and am now fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I already know I'll win because after all: "Pain is weakness leaving the body..."
Posted 2-28-05
Ed Reed, 1970 - 1971
My name is G. Edward Reed. I was at the Mainside barracks Jan 70 to Aug 71. I was a LCpl and did the guard an motor patrol duties. I worked in the office and did security checks for the marines. I did the mail run for mainside barracks. I enjoyed my time there and sure met some nice people. Would like to hear from any old friends.
Posted 2-28-05
Wayne {Wild Bill] Cote
Looking for any Marines stationed at Skiff's Creek Yorktown Navel Weapons Station 2nd plattoon from Jan. 60 to jan 63. Thank You. Semper Fi