Waikele NAD - Message Board
7 Messages Since 11-24-01
Posted 10-7-02
PFC Les A. Cofer, 1967 - 1968
I was stationed at Waikele NAD in 1967 til 5/68. PFC ( at the time) Les A. Cofer. Been looking for marines who were stationed with me. My best friend, Thomas M. Skally was killed in Nam after he left Waikele.
Posted 10-26-02
Jim C. Blanton, 61 - 63
My name is Jim C. Blanton. I was at Waikele from 6/19/61 to 9/19/63. Anyone that was there at that time, drop a message to me. I was a PFC then and had a lot of good and (bad times) there.
Posted 11-29-02
Cpl. Van Perley,
1967-1968 (updated 12-5-05)
Stationed 1967-1968. Rank there PFC. Loved running the PRT to the HiWay and back.
LCPL Marty Haughn, Nov 76
- Nov 78
Stood guard at Lualualei before being transferred to Waikele. I wuold like to get in touch with anyone who had served time from 1976 to 1978. I do have several photos of Waikele and some of the gang there during this time.
Posted 9-07-03
Cpl Michael A. Ross Jun69 to Jun 71
I was at WKE and LLL about one year each at WKE. I was Chief clerk in the Guard Office. Capt R.J. Bradley was Guard Officer. In 1976 I was back to the island and wanted to tour the base but was denied access. Anyone there at that time, especially if you remember me, let me hear from you.
Posted 8-23-04
CPL Wiley, 1984 - 1987
This is CPL Wiley,1984-1987. Interior/Exterior Guard, Waikele Wretched, Limited Area veteran of the Captain Atwater era. Would like to hear from anyone who wants to sound off.
Posted 8-23-04
Don Sykes (Lcpl USMC), 1959 - 1961
Hi, I was stationed at Waikele Naval Ammunition Depot 1959 - 61 . I have a few pictures, if you would like to post them I'll get them together and scan them.
Posted 8-23-04
Martin Spani, 1963 - 1966
My name is Martin Spani. I was a Sgt stationed at Waikele NAD from June 1963 - April 1966. Capt Horner then Capt Pfirmmer were Guard officers. Capt Jordan was also stationed there before he was KIA in Viet Nam. GySgt King and Allison were alos stationed there during that time. Like to hear from others who were stationed at Waikele.
Posted 8-23-04
Lcp Donald Sykes, 1959 - 1961 and/or
I was at Waikele 1959-1961, The only memorable occasion I can remember was that in 1959 they made Hawaii a state, some celebration. Always looked forward to the field day contest we used to have with the other ammo detachments. Went back for a vacation in 92 and it was all gone. The cane fields where gone and nothing but housing could be seen. The bases were closed down with civilian rent a cops patrolling the deserted buildings. Sad, I have some found memories of that place. I remember being on duty in the ADT block house and connecting all the guard stations up to outside lines so they could talk to there girl-friends off the base. Sure glad times were different then. I have a few pictures of the base and a couple of 8mm video tapes I took ( I have a roll of 8mm film of the guard practicing for a competition and dressing up in foreign drill team uniforms performing close order drill) This is real neat. Well, If anyone was there during my tour, drop me a email.
Posted 8-23-04
PFC Mars, 1976 - 1977
Stationed at Wiakele Ammunition Depot 1976 - 1977. I would like to hear from anyone there during that time.
Posted 9-2-04
Don Donath, 1958 - 1960
Please post this message on the message board for Waikele Marine Barracks. Cpl Don Donath I was stationed at Waikele from February 1958 to February 1960. I returned to the base as it was being sold to a developer 18 months ago. It was an interesting experience. Contact me for more information.
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