Rota NAS - Message Board
13 Messages Since 3-4-01
Posted 4-15-01
Sgt. Roger R Barber, 1968 - 1970
Trying to Locate SSGT Joe Nichols or name spelled similar stationed at Rota at the approx same time.
Posted 4-26-01
Sgt Michael D. Matthews, 1967 - 1970
Interested in hearing from anyone who was there at the same time.
Posted 10-21-01
Paul Westmoreland, Lcpl, 4/84 - 4/86
I would like to hear from any of the marines that were with Marine Barracks between 1984 and 1986.
Posted 2-17-02
Joe Montana, 69 - 71
Greetings! My name is Joe Montana and I was a Rota Marine October 1969 to 1971. Wish to hear from other Rota Marines. Semper Fi
Posted 6-8-02
Sgt Phil Robins, 72 - 76 or
Cpl Billy R. Moore, 72 - 74
Looking for buddies that served from 72 - 74.
Posted 7-20-02
Cpl Archie Brookins, 69 - 71
HI, My name is Archie Brookins,I was with Hdqrs platoon as motor t nco and second platoon member.I was married in the base chapel and my best man was Cpl Kenny Howell. Any old buddies still kickin please e-mail.
Posted 8-24-02
CPL. Howard W.(Bill) McClure, 1981 to 1983
Would like to hear from anyone who was there at that time or anyone knowing how to get ahold of Gysgt Bennet, Fsgt Entz, Gysgt Mattson, Lcpl Mazeraski, Lcpl Tardiff Thanks Bill McClure.
Posted 11-29-02
LCpl Ed Schlaker Rota, 1959 - 1961
Would like to hear from any Marines who were in Rota 59-61! 330-995-3914
Posted 12-22-02
Steve Chamberlain, L/Cpl, 12/84 to 12/86
I was a member of Alpha Section, 2nd Relief. I would like to hear from anyone who was there with me or since.
Posted 6-14-04
Scott Smith, 1979 - 1981
Interested in hearing from anyone who served with me on guard from Dec 1979 to Dec 1981. Especially Chris Kelley, Ken Hardcastle and Major Wayne Morris.
Posted 9-2-04
Byron Bates (Tomas) Cpl Served Jan 80 to Mar 83
Interested in contacts from anyone that served with me during that time. Served Jan 80 to Mar 83. Interested in contacts from anyone that served with me during that time.
Posted 7-29-05
Chuck Dempsey, L/Cpl, 1957 - 1961
Would like to hear from anyone who served from 57/61 at Marine Barracks, Rota, 941-723-1806
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