7 Messages Since 11-23-02

Posted 12-08-02
Pfc Glenn Tidwell, 1973 - 1975

Looking for anyone that was stationed at the Barracks between 73 and 75 in the Brig Company "Brig Rats" Corrections.

Posted 12-27-03
L/cpl Donald Donner, 5 / 1972 - 6 / 1972

What will be done with the barracks? I was there from 5-72 until end of 6-72. Thanks 

Posted 7-08-05
William H, Le'Mon Sr, 1968 - 1970

I was with marine barracks philadelphia from 1968-1970. During that time i was assigned to the security section, and the casualty escort section. The casualty escort section had the honor of returning the remains of a deceased marine to his family for interment and to ensure he received all the respect due him and his family. does any one know if the escort section and or the marine barracks received any awards or citations from cmc or the navy for services during this time? Semper Fi

Posted 7-23-11
Sgt. Matthew P. Wojciechowski, 1968 - 1969

Severed at the yard between 1968 to Dec 5 1969. First as a Brig guard for three months then as an Escort. Took home 68. I live in South Jersey and go to Cookies at 10th and Oregon Ave. in Philly on Nov 10. I talked to Shiffty about June 2011. He had signed my DD214. He is now 81 and doing good. Marines never die; we go where we are needed.

Posted 7-23-11
Michael Wendling, SGT, 1966 - 1968

Started in the Casualty Company (after discharge from the Naval Hospital), went into the Guard Detachment and finally was a part of the Escort Section. The years were 1966-1968. I hope others from that time see this. Semper Fi

Posted 7-23-11
SGT. Robert A. Nichols Jr.

See that they tore down our Brig Downe.

Posted 1-20-13
Cpl. Frank Priolo, June 1967 - Nov 1968
Security, Brig and Casual  Company

I was stationed there in '67 and '68. First as a Brig Rat. Then, when the NCOIC of Security found out that I was a clerk (Air Operations 7041) I was made the company clerk working with Jim Hannigan and SSGT Dave Platt. After another Gunny came into Security, I was bounced out to the Gate and again a Brig Rat. When Sgt Bill Ellerbee was named NCOIC of Casual Co. he pulled me out of security and put me to work in Casual. I was separated in November 1968. Most everyone at MB Phila remembered me as Cpl. Pizza as most couldnt pronounce my last name.Look forward to hearing from any of the guys I served with. Frank Priolo, Hammonton, NJ

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