Newport NS Rhode Island - Message Board
4 Messages Since 3-14-00
Posted 4-18-00
Sgt. Chuck Vitek, 70 - 71
I am former Sgt. Chuck Vitek. I served at the MarBks, Newport from July 1970 to October 1971 as the Barracks legal clerk. I would like to hear from Captains Lovely and Medly, Sgt. J.R. Means, Cpl. Sprague and anybody else from my tour. How about a cold beer at the "Lighthouse" or "My Brother's Place". Semper Fi!
Posted 8-20-00
Tom mcKernan 62-64
Was a Cpl and made Sgt just before I left Had some time at the war college too. Semper Fi
This is for PFC Morgan. Hey babe, I miss you and can't wait to see ya!!!!! Thinking of you alway, Kim.
Posted 11-30-03
Cpl. Ted Phelps, 5/67 -
I got married as soon as I returned from my tour in Vietnam (I-3/3). My wife, Linda, and I traveled to Newport together. We lived in an apartment off base, so that made me a brown bagger (married guy, living off base with his wife). I missed out entertaining the girls known as the Boston bean bandits who occasionally visited the barracks on Saturday nights. I stood gates, guarded the War College, and ended up driving the base commander.
Linda and I saw Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass at the Newport Jazz Festival while we were stationed there. It rained during the concert, and Herb told the crowd to put away their umbrellas and get with it. He wasnt too popular that day.
I am still in contact with Tom Wingren and his wife Sue. I remember Steve Rickard, Chuck Kniffen, Larry Shoop, Smitty, Ellis, and John Handley. Then there was a marine named Hudson, who claimed he could eat a beer glass. At the E-club, Wingren took bets and then Hudson would proceed to take a bite out of the glass.
I wonder how he is doing these days. Hudson also reportedly took on the local motorcycle club on the beach, single-handed, swinging a chain.
I remember many more guys, but forget the names. If you remember me, I would like to hear from you.
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