Naples NAF -
Message Board
16 Messages Since 8-30-99
Posted 3-13-00
Owen Davis, Sergeant of the Guard, 67 - 70 and 80's
My name is Owen Davis, I was the Sergeant of the Guard in the barracks during 1967-1970. I served under Col Frank X. Hoff, and later under Maj. David G. Henderson. I was in the barracks during the move from Via Caravaggio, to the Agnano site at NSA. At that time, Capo was an Air Facility. It later was down-graded to an Air Department. Also, the Capo Detachment later came under DoD Security, which I served with in the early '80's. I have some photo's of the Main Gate, as well as some of the buildings. I attended a Change of Command Ceremony on Capo before I rotated back to the States. I was married in the small chapel located there, in March of 1968. I have an aerial photo of NSA Naples, that I received after the Move to Agnano. I worked with Sergeants Everett Kelly, and Tony Yodonise, which I have contact with today. There's LOTS MORE if you want it. Owen Davis
Posted 3-30-00
Everett Kelly, 67 - 69
My name is Everett Kelly. Owen and June Davis contacted me and told me about this site. Great idea. Will check my old photographs and see what can be submitted to help form a historical record. I was stationed in Naples at Marine Barracks from Nov 67 - Nov 69. Arrived as a CPL and left a SGT. Arrived single and left married (still am to same little Italian). I worked at NATO (AFSOUTH), NSA (Via Caravaggio and Agnano) and Cappadicino Air Facility. Was married in the base chapel, NSA Agnano (now an Italian cinema) in Sep 68. Jerry Teal, my brother-in-law, was also stationed at Marine Barracks, Naples during same time frame I was. I also have contact with Rick Spears former brother-in-law). (Yes, my wife had five sisters, four of whom married Marines - we kept the Chaplain busy).
Posted 2-12-01
Cpl. Larry
Kelly, 71 - 72
I am Larry Kelly who was stationed at the Marine Barracks, Naples 6-71 to 6-72.
Posted 2-24-01
Monteleone, 74 - 75
would like to hear from any marines that I was stationed with at Marine Barracks Naples, also spent some duty time at the Naval Air Facility and down in Sigonella Scicily. 1974-1975 Semper Fi!
Posted 3-3-01
Thomas Michler, 66 - 68
I was stationed in Naples from 66-68 and served under Col. Frank Hoff. Have some pictures of the base (the 'hatchet" at bldg.O) plus others of fellow Marines. I lived in the "old" barracks on the hilltop and left right after the move to the new bldg. Would like to hear from any old jarheads who still remember that wild ride down the windy road to the Nato Base. P.S. Remember the "band"?
Posted 11-22-01
LCPL Steve Richardson, 74 - 76
would like to hear from any marines that I was stationed with at Marine Barracks Naples, also spent some duty time at the Naval Air Facility and down in Sigonella Scicily. November 1974 through June 1976 Semper Fi!
Posted 2-2-02
Cpl Duane D. Fly, NSA Agnano, 1973-1974
Wouldn't mind hearing from anyone that served here. If you know me, for sure contact me. I didn't get a lot of pictures while there, the ones I did get are long gone. If there are some out there that someone wouldn't mind sharing, I'd appreciate it.
Also, there was a bar across the street from the base. You kinda had to go to a side door and downstairs if I remember correctly. I don't remember the name. If anyone knows of it, there was a painting on one of the walls of a guy in a garbage can with a slingshot on the lid and the can had tracks. I'd like to know if it is still there.
Posted 3-10-02
Sgt James A. McCune, Jr., 87 - 89
I served as a member of MCSFCo. Naples from 1987 - 1989. We were still at NSA during that time and had not moved out to Capo yet (though there was scuttlebutt about doing so). We were also still pulling post and doing "honors" at AFSOUTH. The CO during my time there was Major John A. Keenan - a good man and one of the finest officers I've served under. I actually bumped into LtCol. Keenan out at "the stumps" a few years after leaving when I was with 3/8. I was also lucky enough to serve as a member of MarDet COMSIXTHFLT as well. The duty up in Gaeta aboard the USS Belknap was some of the best in my 14+ years in the Corps. I have managed to keep A LOT of pictures, certificates, newsletters, etc. from my time in Italy and would appreciate hearing from anyone who served before, during, or after my stint.
Posted 3-13-02
LCPL Arthur Cruz, 88 - 91
Looking for Marines stationed at MarBar Naples from 1988-1991. I am also still in touch with LCPL Jim Brown so info about him is also with me. Where are you? Payne, Brady, Mason, Daly, Aken, Waugh, and you too Sgt. Oman???!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 5-22-02
Jay Joseph, 54 - 56
Hello, This site was referred to me by a friend who was in the Navy. We were e-mailing back and forth re a Navy AJ1 Savage which crashed close to Esso Compound in August 1955. The son and daughter of the enlisted plane captain wanted to hear from anyone who saw or who were at the crash site. All three crew members were killed. One of our guys, Cpl. John Kolesar, was the NCO in charge at the main gate to the Ships' Store/commisary, witnessed the crash and called it in to the Sgt. of the Guard at the Albergo Grilli. The family would love to hear from John if he is still with us. I served in the unit from Jan. 1954 to Jan. 1956. It was a two-year tour of duty. We stood duty at Esso, Via Medina, (forgot the name of the building) and the Guggenheim Bldg. down on the water front. My section (Port) was also divided so that half the guys were sent out to Bagnoli to guard the Blgs. there. The worst post to stand was the 5th deck of the building on Via Medina. We were stuck out in a hallway (one guy) and hardly ever saw another human being. The 2400 to 0400, as well as the 0400 to 0800 watches, were especially brutal. More than a couple of guys lost their stripes for falling asleep or sitting down.
Posted 11-20-02
Richard D Felton, 1977 - 1980
I was stationed at NAF Naples and NAF Sicily from 1977 to 1980. Would like to contact other Marines stationed there during this time. Would also like to receive any reunion information.
Posted 3-06-03
CPL. Kevin D. Weeks, 1980 - 1983
Hi Fellow Marines and Former Marines, My Name is Kevin Weeks, and was stationed at Marine Barracks Naples from March 1980 to Aug. 1983 and would like to say Hi and maybe contact some of my old Marine's I was stationed with there. Besides regular duties there, I worked at the E.M.O. club as the DJ and also drove the USO truck for the USO tour bands and ofcourse don't forget the Festa Americana at Carney Park, I was the Marine on the sit of the Dunking Machine that brought in alot of money and received a Letter of Appreciation and in 1982 I received a Meritorious Mast which I'm very Proud of OOH-RAH. so drop me a OOH-RAH and say hi. Thanks.
Posted 5-2-03
Ralph DeLange, 1953 - 1955
I was stationed at Capodichino 53 - 55 in VR24 and FASRON77 and had many buddies in the Marine Corps there. Have contacted them through this and other sites. See,, and Ralph DeLange, San Jose, CA
Posted 10-21-02
Staff Sergeant Bill Crossland, 1987 - 1989
Great Web site..... Have many memories of Naples. Went back to visit during a honeymoon in 1989. Barracks had moved to the airport and the accomodations were great. Anyone remember riding the Lion at AFSouth? During Desert Storm I ran into Maj Keenan, GYSGT Fontes, SGT Rodrigues, Hornbuckle and a few others. I am looking for phone numbers to the current FAST support tean in Naples anyone have one? I will be in Italy for business during November. I would like to go to the ball when I am there and need to purchase a ticket. And for those of you wondering, no I will not be going to the Moroccon club afterward with a car full of weapons.......... I do have some black and white photos of Post 1, I will try to scan them and get them posted sometime.
Posted 12-21-03
David l. Nolan, Cpl, 1978 - 1980
I would like to hear from anyone who work with me. I was assign to the Guard Section at Nato/NAS then move to Capo NAF. Its was a great time in my life.
Posted 8-31-04
Kevin Sullivan, 1984 - 1987
My Name is Sullivan, Kevin was a LCPL in 2ND . Section from 1984 until 1987 - Loved Naples and would really like to hear from anyone I might have served with during those years.
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