Lake Mead Base - Message Board

9 Messages Since 8-6-00

Posted 4-3-02
Paul Vigil, 62 - 64

I was a PFC and station at the Barracks from 1962 - 1964.

Posted 8-9-02
Dan P. Beckner, Captain, 1966 - 1968
Guard Officer, Senior Guard and Training Officer, 1st Platoon Commander, 2nd Platoon Commander

Served at Lake Mead Base from August 1966 to September 1968. Other officers: Capt Michael Reilly, Lt. Col. "Stormy" Davis, Major Fridell, Lt. Caudell, Capt Furleigh.

Posted 10-19-02
David E Adams, 1962 - 1964

I was a L/cpl. stationed at Lake Mead Base 1962 - 1964. Sgt. Mallon was the plt. Sgt. He was KIA 1967 Vietnam. Lt. Drum was our Plt. Commander, Replaced by Capt Seay in 1963, he pitched for our base, softball team. I played 3rd base and was nick named Mud Cat. I got out in 1964, and reenlisted in 1966, I ran into Lt. Drum at an artillery Base in Vietnam he was a Major then, Later I also ran into Lt. Seay in San Diego he also was a Major. I also ran into Cpl. Campbell in San Diego, He was a Gunny.  I just published a book of my memoirs of that time of my life, it can be previewed at  where it says AUTHOR type in David E Adams.

Posted 11-11-02
Cpl. Warren (Hoss) Mixer, Feb 1965 - June 1966

Outstanding duty. Sgt Weeks was the Plt. Sgt. Forgot the Plt. Co. Loved the Q area.

Posted 12-13-03
Steven K. Jones, 1967 - 1968

I served at Marine Barricks Lake Mead Base as Cpl of the Guard from 1967 to 1968.  Transferred in from Camp Pendelton MP's. Would like to hear from others I served with. Does anyone know what became of Lt. Moore? (Dinty)

Posted 2-21-04
Matt Flynn, 1956 - 1958

I was a cpl at LMB from Nov 56 until April 58.  Stood the main gate, Q area gate, Q area patrol, and life guard at the base pool.  Superior officers Col Sullivan, Capt Vernon Munsell, Lt Murrah.  The federal building in Oklahoma City was named after Murrah's father, a fed. judge. Later blown up by McVey and company.  Sgt Maj Carillo wore the WW 1 victory ribbon. One Sgt had the Wake Island ribbon.  He had very interesting stories to tell.

Events that stand out.  While standing the main gate I watched a jet from Nellas crash near me.  I was so suprised it didn't register to call it in until the heat from the flames started to singe my face. My friend PFC Don Mahl, from Detroit, was shot in the chest while standing the Q gate and playing fast draw. He survived. Got to watch an "A" test called operation "Morgan"?

Would like to hear from anyone who served with me. Now living in Irvine, California.

Posted 8-31-04
Jerry M. Allen, 1957 - 1958

I was a Cpl serving at Lake Mead Base during the period of 1957 and part of 1958. My best buddie was Charles "Willie" Williams who was also a Cpl. Willie played golf with our Commanding Officer. When off duty, we spent a lot of time at Al's Liquor. A favorite hang out for the Lake Mead Marines and also our first Sgt.   I would be interested in hearing from anyone who served at the Marine Barracks, Lake Mead Base during the above mentioned period. In thinking about my tour of duty, at this particular base. I can't remember where the mess hall was. If anyone has this info, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Posted 9-2-04
Charles Williams, Cpl, 1958

Would like to hear from anyone that served with me. Ken Copp, Don Fuller and a guy named Voicell, a Cajun from Louisana or just a French guy. He was my room mate and very funny. We had lots of laughs. I also played golf with Tom Gould and the Commanding Officer. My favorite place to hang out was Al's liquor. A liquor store and bar with a dance floor and a swimming pool out back. Let me hear from anyone that served during 1958.

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