32 Messages Sense 3-14-00
Posted 10-8-00
John Slifko, LCpl, 90 - 93
Stationed at Marine Barracks Guam from 91 - 92. Im looking for marines that serviced in Guam or may remember me.
Posted 10-23-00
Sgt Phil Crusey, Guard Co, 12 - 87 to 7 - 89
Looking for all the Marines that I served with.
Posted 1-30-01
Mike Tandano, 9 - 89 to 9 - 91
Our Barracks was officially titled Marine Barracks Guam, M.I. I was at Guard Company, Naval Magazine, Guam, M.I. We also had 4th Platoon, NAVCAMS ( I can't recall what the acronym stood for). Any info would be great. I believe that the NAVMAG shut down around 91.
Posted 1-31-01
LCpl. Kevin Bankert 5/90 - 11/91
I was with the Guard Co. NavMag, 1st Plt., then later 3rd Plt. I recall reading somewhere that the Naval Magazine was closed down on 10Nov92, after being operational for nearly 100 years. Interesting date they chose to close down shop.
Posted 2-21-01
SSgt Phil Crusey 12-87 to 7-89
I was with Guard Co, Limited Area Plt and Patrolling Plt. Updating my email address and would like to hear from anyone that was there around the same times I was to catch up on the news.
Posted 6-29-01
Brian P. O'Connell, CPL 2nd Plt & 4th Plt, 3/87 - 9/88
And for the record. NAVCAMS stands for Naval Communication Area Master Station. Looking to contact someone stationed at the barracks.
Posted 1-9-02
Aundra Williams, Lcpl, 3-87 to 6-88
Marine Barracks, Naval Station and Marine Barracks Naval Magazine
Posted 2-10-02
Carlo L. Squicciarini, Cpl., 54 - 56
Got there in 1954 a Pvt. Left a Cpl. 1956. I have a center page containing pictures from our newspaper the MARINE COURIER 10 Nov. 1955 of most of us that were station at the MB from the Col. to the Pvt.'s. I left them large so that you can see our face's in case you ran into one of us later on in the corps. E-mail me if you want to see it. SEMPER FI
Posted 2-20-02
Cpl J G Wingerter A/Bks Co.
Naval Station. At the barracks from 8/72 to 11/73. Would love to here from someone who served with me. Semper Fi
Posted 12-13-02
Don Cleek CPL, 1st Plt. 10/84 - 12/85
I still dream about cutting tanga-tanga with a machete...Thanks SSGT Hardy. Who remembers stumbling back from the Silver Dollar, the mad wacker, standing in formation until that smoke grenade was found, I could go on and on.....would like to hear from anyone in my era....Semper Fi
Posted 1-18-03
Lcpl. Frank M. Chasseur 1st Plt. Guard,
Dec 1983 to Mar 1985
Well police Sargent Guard Co. mid 1984 till I left in 1985. The best duty station I was ever at. Does any one remember Captain Anneal Morris? or Sargent Paul Ojalla? Two Great Marines. How about Col. Miller?
Posted 10-28-03
Glenn Cline, SGT. (Then Cpl.), 1985 - 1986
Served at the Barracks from 1985-1986. S/SGT Hardy was the platoon sgt. Remember his "Stairway to Heaven"!!!
Posted 10-28-03
Bryan Dorland Sgt., Guard Co., 1st Plt., 2 / 1984 - 10 / 1985
I was stationed on Guam right out of boot camp. I served in Guard Co. 1st Plt., then worked for the Co. 1st Sgt. during my tour on Guam. After Guam, I went to Echo 2/5. Finished up my 4 yr tour as a grunt sgt.
Hey Cleek! I remember you. I think I remember the name Chasseur as well. I remember Capt. Morris very well--good guy. He was covered head-to-toe in scars after he had been pulled from the collapsed barracks in Beirut. Anyone remember the sgt. from 1st plt. who was killed in an accident? Sgt. Morris?
I remember runs at 4:30 AM through the controlled area with the whole damn platoon reeking of liquor. I also remember falling in love with a blond stripper from "Club Dallas" in town. Anyone remember how the Guamanian SSGT who was Plt. Sgt. prior to SSGT Hardy used to poach deer during duty and drive into town and sell the meat? And SSGT Hardy saying "croat-uncroat" while making quote signs in the air with his fingers? Ahhh, those were the days.
Posted 2-21-04
Brian Cooley, 1991
- 1992
I was stationed at the Naval Magazine from 7/91 to 11/92. I was a Lcpl at the time. I remember having a big ceremony in the "LA" when we were closed down. I went to 3/7 in 29 palms after that and got out in 06/94. One thing I don't miss is washing all of the caribou shit off of the vehicles.
Posted 2-21-04
Cpl CJ Wright, Naval Magazine, 3rd Platoon, Spring 1986 -Late
Summer 1987
I was in the building right below the Navy barracks. 1st Platoon across the street. I remember the stories of Tatamona, and hearing the booney pigs squealing. Booney stomping and cave diving on off days was a blast. Sgt Piccionetti was cool. LT/CPT Royal Mortenson, SGT Ritz. Corporal Cory. Can't remember too many other names off the top of my head. Would love to hear from anyone there at that time.
Posted 2-22-04
Brian Cooley, 1991 - 1992
I (Lcpl Cooley) served in Guam from 08/91 until its closure on 11/92. I was in 3rd plt. (third herd) and worked at the naval magazine. After its closure I was sent to 3/7 in Twentynine Palms until my four years were up. I got out a Cpl. in 06/94.
Posted 8-23-04
I was stationed at Marine Barracks Guam till it closed in 11/92 then went to E 2/5. Went there as a Lance and got promoted to Cpl. while on the island. SGT Griggs was the Platoon Sgt to begin with then we got Morgenstern. Plt. Cmdr. Was Capt. Higgens. Still keep in touch with Bourdeaux. He lives in Tucson AZ. We visit from time to time and drink Jim Beam and BBQ. Lots of good memories!!
Posted 8-23-04
Todd Coleman, 1989 - 1990
My name is Todd Coleman I was stationed at Marine Barracks Guam MI Guard Company Naval Magazine from 2/89-8/90. Would like to hear from those I was stationed with.
Posted 8-23-04
Robert "Buzz" Cook, Lcpl, Guard Co NavMag, 9/87 to 3/89
Hell, I can't remember what platoon I was in...I want to say 2nd? Do the names Dufort, Losnecki, Weinstock, "Chip" Labonte, Cary Demars, Mike Reed, or Andy Davis ring a bell?? I could probably name more, but I'll stop there. I played on the barracks softball and flag football teams, both won the "Captain's Cup" in '88. I remember post Mike Papa 2, roving around in the little white pickup and trying not to hit those damn water buffalo/caribou or hearing the frogs pop under the tires after it rained!! I still keep in touch with Andy Davis, we ended up together at Lima 3/5 and Cary Demars. Would love to hear from anyone who was there.
Posted 8-31-04
Sgt. Duane Friend, 1975 - 1976
I was stationed at the U.S. Naval Magazine, in Guam from DEC. 1975 to March 1976. I would like to hear from anyone who was stationed there during this time period. I went over there straight out of I.T.S as a Pvt. and left a LCPL.
Posted 8-31-04
Henderson, 1st Platoon, Guard Company, NAVMAG, 1987 - 1988
I laughed my butt off, reading Cook's message. Hitting the frogs in the MP2 vehicle. I remember all of those guys from Second Platoon. It was a lot of fun! The fiestas, field meets. Uncle Bob's for buckets of melon balls and brains.
Jack Johnston, Sgt., 5-
1975 thru 8 - 1976
"D" Company
Marine Barracks, Naval Mag
Platoon Sgt. "Fat Rat" Anyone remember?
Posted 12-30-10
Harold H. Dawley, Jr
Marine Barracks Guam, 1959-61 Seeking Photos I was stationed at the Naval Station Marine Barracks on Guam from 1959-61. I was a bugler and played in the Drum and Bugle Corps. When hurricane Katrina hit Pass Christian, MS in 2005 it destroyed my home and I lost all of my Marine photos. If anyone assigned to the Guam MB drum and bugle corps has a photo with me in it I'd love to have a copy.
Posted 2-20-11
Eric Anderson
Navmag, Nov 84-August 85
Hello: I was at . I was there with Cleek when SSgt Hardy blew a gasket! I have a picture of him standing on the second story looking down at us. I went to NAVCAMS in August until I returned to US Jan 1986. Looking for Stewart, Lofton, Carrell and so many others. Arredondo passed away a few years ago. Still in Oceanside. The Silver Dollar brings back memories. How about the skivvie houses? The Chamoritta, The Medicine Chest? Towers and Sweat. Does anyone remember working towers and letting sweat take a break while you kept an eye out for the SOG? Security Alert and Security Drill. Did anyone ever run off the top of a magazine in the dark? How about Tinian? I was there when the guy fell off the cliff and was flown back to Guam. Cpl. Cline I remember you and have a picture of you in hardys office. You were a KISS fan if I remember right. Kortan? Lemuel? Hope you guys are okay.
Posted 7-24-11
Kevin D Righter, 1976 - 1977
I was station MB Guam January 1976 as a PFC and left April 1977 as a LCPL. First duty was with Naval Station, and then I move to the Naval Magazine. Served with Sam Sambrano.
Posted 7-24-11
Milton Weisenburg, 1958 - 1960
My name is Milton Weisenburg I was station at the Marine barracks NAS from 1958-1960 and I would like to here from anyone stationed there at that time.
Posted 7-24-11
Dennis Lafferty
B Co. Mar. Bar. Guam NavComSta & NavMag 1974 - 75. Served under Col. (Jinx) McCann in operation new life. Looking for old buddies who I was with at Camp Asan helping vietnamese refugees. Barton, Henry, Finnigan, Hapka, Arbuckle and the rest of you guys. Bad news Boudreaux passed away .
Posted 7-24-11
Charles "Chuck" Tucker USMCR - 1109343, 1950's
I was stationed at the MB Quonset Hut Barracks, just north of Agana, with duties of prison chasing at the Naval Brig and guard at Comar Hill main gates in late1950. We moved to the Naval Base in Jan. of 1950. Like to hear from any others there during that time. Left in Jan51 for Korea. PFC at the time and ended up S/Sgt. "During the 5 months on the island, before garrison duty, about 80 of us USMCR's, that were activated for the Korean War, went through a first of it's kind organized 'Two platoon boot camp'. DI's were brought over from the states to perform this training. " Thanks, Charles Tucker
Posted 7-24-11
Keenan Murphy, LCpl, 1980 - 1981
Keenan Murphy, LCpl while at MB Guam, there from Feb 80 to May 81. I don't recall what platoon, maybe 3rd, but was stationed at the Naval Station. We rotated guard duties between the naval base & the Mag every other month. The Naval Station also included the Sub Base gate. I remember when we had Naval Station duty, we had day on, day off then day of (Jungle Warefare) training with Sgt. Major Early. He was a tough "Old Breed" gungy bastard, but he knew his stuff and if you paid any attention to him, you definately learned alot. That duty was a trip with the old airstrip and rifle range. I even was loaned to HQ for a while to be a range instructor to the Marines who'd come in from ship duty to be re-qualified. The mag was another world with all the radio codes. I still use some of them today (but only when I'm talking to myself). If anyone was there around the same time, drop me an email. Hafa Adai & Semper Fi
Posted 7-24-11
Walt Willis, Navel Magazine, 1968 - 1969
My name is Walt Willis. I was stationed at the Navel Magazine from Oct 1968 - Dec 1969. I was promoted to Cpl and then Sgt. Captain Jack Cunningham (Dirty Jack) was our CO. He made us run those mountains almost daily. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who was there during that era.
Posted 7-24-11
1st Lt. Lewis M.
Herrington, 1984 to 1985
Somewhere around here I have a bell showing the dates but I think most will remember me. I was a Guard Platoon Commander at the Naval Magazine and then XO of the Company under Captain Morris. Captain Morris and I were both from the 8th Marine Regiment and had served in Beirut. I think I may still have his email somewhere. Col Miller was from my home town in Fayette, Missouri. Reading the other threads, Kenneth Morgan was the young sergeant killed. SSgt Hardy was my Plt Sgt after SSgt Ogomuro (sp). SSgt O was a fine SNCO and I will never believe any poaching rumors. We actually caught poachers together. I must say I never encountered a finer bunch of Marines in my life as I did on that tour. Especially, Cpl Smith. He was a Native American and taught me a great deal. Give my best to him if you know where he is. Semper Fi
Posted 7-24-11
Mike Cross, 1980 - 1981
I had barracks duty on the island 80-81. There was a company that took group photos at the Jungle Warfare School at Orote point. All of my Photos were lost during a move and if anyone could provide contact information for this company it would be greatly appreciated. Semper Fidelis.
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