9 Messages Since 7-17-00
Posted 7-22-00
Bill Benson
I reported aboard as a PFC in 1984, and Brunswick was one of those really weird places where you know it's the USA, but it feels like a foreign country... Memories:
The Ghost of Checkpoint Quebec...
The Kilo Monster...
The ghost that appeared to Mike Kilo Seven on the North side?
Using the big eyes on the tower to see into the Bowdoin College dorm... (Only the Marines could view an institution as venerable as Bowdoin College and view it as a source of cheaply copped looks! Bowdoin needs to quit taking itself seriously...) We had Major Erickson, Captain Tarpy, and 1stSgt. Larson. SSgt Renz was the Guard Chief, but was medevaced out for some strange circulatory malady. At the time, I despised him and his damned pipe, but I now realized what he was doing, and that he did have a sort of style about him. I wish him all of the best, and I hope he's doing well. Captain Tarpy I met a few years later in the firld at Camp Lejuene. We met at a water bull, and I wish I had taken the opportunity to chat a bit more. I met my first wife (a YN) aboard NAS Brunswick, and if I had been smart, I would have gone out with her room mate, Tracy (?) - a slim gal from Texas, if I remember correctly... I'm sure there are more memories, and I'll send them to you when they surface... In the meantime, check out my site, Firebase Orange, at:
Posted 4-5-01
Paul Schmidt, LCpl, 60 - 61
I was a LCpl at the Barracks from 60 to 61. l was nicknamed Big Bird. I knew most of the guys who opened the Marine Barracks. Is there are any reunions planned? Most of the personal were from the N.E.U.S., except Hovey, who was from Florida. Can't remember were Musser was from or SSgt Vergalitto. Boggie Bear was XO and Maj Palatis was CO. I was hopping for pics of Barracks and wonderd if base has grown.
Posted 3-26-02
Keith Fuller, Sgt., June 72 - Dec 74
I transfered to NASB from a Military Police unit in North Carolina in June 72, and as L/Cpl. Vietnam war was still going on and the General Public's attitude toward serviceman was rather sour at my previous duty stations in California and North Carolina. Brunswick Maine and the neighboring communities were very different. The locals were great and I enjoyed my tour there. I'm trying to think of names. CO's were Major Cuba then Major Bowen. XO's were Capt Smith then Capt Poulin. Guard officers Lt McConnagy then Sour Lt. Uberman. First Sgt Roger Shannon, Sgt Terry Walling, Sgt Livingston, Sgt Baskerville, Sgt Bernard Reese, Sgt Farmer, Sgt Kenneth Trulock, Sgt Clarance Smith, Sgt Foote, Sgt Vital (72 Challenger 440 six-pact)Sgt Dane Bates, Cpl Stepaniko, Cpl Bill Nickerson, L/Cpl Georgre Pettus, L/Cpl Mazzio. My worst times were getting dog faced drunk at the 72 MC Ball, Blowing the engine in my 67 GTA Mustang while Racing L/Cpl Trivino's 396 Chevell, Getting wrote up by Lt Uberman for colors being late. Best of times would include racing the guard trucks on perimeter road. Snow sking behind guard trucks. Dancing with Lt Uberman's date more than he did at the 74 MC Ball. Other memories would include G Pettus going to sleep, leaning on the fence one cold winter night, wearing his Eskimo coat, still standing with hands his pockets, and then me tying his shoes laces together, then walking back to shack and hollered SOG's coming. He fell flat on his face in the snow with his M14 still slung to his shoulder. Another would be Foote rolling the SAT Team's van, and another would be Pettus shooting a hole the SAT Van's roof. Taking the M-60 off base to a remote quarry and testing it. I remember guys calling the weather line to hear Wave Margret Danner's voice. For a picture of Bill Nickerson, Stepaniko, Keith Fuller & Major Cuba ? Coats ? Butler & Bernard Reese
Posted 6-28-02
Jack Griffin Cpl. 1958 - 1959 or
I was in the first group of Marines sent up to Brunswick NAS. in 1958. I would like to hear from any other Marines who were there during this time. I enlisted in the USMC from Malden MA and now live in Central Florida. I have several good memories of the time I spent up there,and I hope to hear from some of the Marines I served with.
Posted 11-29-03
Ron Harrison, 1982 - 1985
My name is Ron Harrison and I was a Marine stationed at the Marine Barracks Brunswick, ME from '82-'85. I also remember the venerable "Kilo Monster" and Ssgt.Renz and Cap't. Tarpey. Great to hear those names again. Also made some GREAT friends such as Greg Wood and Randy Tedder. Wonder what happened to you guys?!! Hope Everyone made it out alive and healthy. Stay Safe - Ron "Ronbo" Harrison
Posted 2-22-04
Terry Gess, 1978 - 1981
I reported to NAS Brunswick in the Summer of 1978 as a PFC and remained there until 1981 when I Departed as a CPL. This was my first Post of many. LtCol John Carr was the CO when I arrived. I had seen many Marines come and go, during my tour in Brunswick. Thomas Dennis, Stephen Effritz, Chuck Lateria, Jim Camarota, Bob Toward, Sgt Vargas and so many more. I have searched for many of these guys thru the years to no avail. We had a lot of fun times then, The Flag Pageants, Air Shows, Chasing moose around the resticted area, I see the Kilo Monster lives on but I'm not sure if the Barracks does as I searched and found no mention of Marines, I also looked for pictures of the Barracks and the Gates but found none. I would Love to know how advanced Hotel had become as it grew fast when I was there. As I get older I wonder what has become of my friends and places that I have been. I hope some of them check in here and we can talk again! Semper Fi.
Posted 8-23-04
CPL Donald Sykes, 1961 - 1962 or
I was stationed there after being in Hawaii for a two year tour. I remember the snow storms and going out to the guard post in a trac vehicle. I used to entertain the troops with some Boogie and Blues piano playing. I performed at the enlisted mens club and also at the officers club. ( I was cheap) President Kennedy visited the base in 61 and the guard detachment was inspected by him. We were all proud of that and some of us stood guard around Air Force One while the president was there in Maine. The duty at Brunswick was kind of enjoyable, and it was kind of neat having the navy women's barracks right behind ours as it made our love life kind of interesting. Any body there during my tour (1961-1962) Please drop me a line.
Posted 9-2-04
Justin W. Allen,
1989 - 1990
Hello, I was a Marine special weapons guard at BNAS from 03/89 to 07/90. I have so many fond memories from being in the compound to liberty in the Cooks Corner mall. I left BNAS quite unexpectedly and have never seen or talked to my friends since. I would like to visit again someday and see if things are as I remember or if they have fallen apart. I was in 3rd squad "third herd" under Sgt. Booher, then eventually Sgt. Erwin. Our C.O was Major P.J Cahill, our XO was Capt. Cruver, and our Guard Officer was 1st. Lt. Brian Kramer. Hope to read more memories and postings on this sight soon. Thank you for letting me share. Semper Fi
Posted 6-28-05
Patrick Flood, 1959 - 1961
My dad was at Brunswick in the Marine Barracks somewhere between 59-61 with a Jerry O'Donnell. My dad is Patrick Flood from Buffalo, NY. He's looking for contact info on Jerry O'Donnell. Do you recogonize either name? If so, email me. Semper Fi. Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, Proud daughter of a Former Marine.