4 Messages Since 3-4-01
Posted 5-8-01
Earl Bradford Robinson, Cpl E-4, 1962-64
I have very pleasant memories of those 2 years and fond memories of the fellow Marines with whom I served. I know of several who shipped over, went to Vietnam and died there and God Bless them. I could recall many names, but I'll settle with a few. Major Holmberg, CO, Captain Everett, XO, Lt. Dunning, sorry Lt. can't remember your title, but the one that I can remember most of all and whom I have visited with in Chapin, South Carolina is none other than SgtMaj. Dibble "Smoky" Goodwin. Without a doubt, he has left an indelible mark in my memory. All who were stationed at the barracks under his watch, will remember with great reverence who the individual was that promoted Smokey to SgtMaj. For those who were not there...............well, again, I couldn't have been more impressed, I shook the hand of Lt.General Louis B. "Chesty" Puller. Like I said, fond memories. I will stand corrected for any misspellings or ranking. Let's hear from the Barracks, ALL years.
Posted 11-16-02
Cpl. Glenn G. Everett, 1997 - 2000
Hi, I was stationed at Marine Barracks Annapolis now known as the United States Naval Academy Company part of Marine Barracks 8th.& I, from Oct. 1997 to Feb. 2001 as a Marine Security Guard also peforming countless full and simple honors funerals as well as Tecumseh Court ceremonies for the graduating Midshipman. I really loved it there. Semper Fi !
Posted 11-30-03
Pfc Paul W. Blackwell, 1964
Started my career at the Marine Barracks in 1964. Straight from boot camp - then later to Vietnam for 2 tours. The prestige learned at this site was the backbone of my ethics and lifestyle thru out the Corps. Hoo-Raaaay!!!!!
Posted 6-28-05
Sgt Kenneth Crosby, 1996 - 1998
Marine Barracks Annapolis/USNA Co
Stood post at the naval Academy the years above. Had the greatest time of my life. I don't think there could be a better place to be as a new Marine in the world. The salts: Risler, Grabicki (now Lt's), Best, Montag, SSgt Lebo, Spivey, Facento, Rich, Hoffer, Gall, Meyers; the boots: me, Scogland, Waddick, Ross, DeBolt, Lucero, Disney, Tokar, Matthews. If I forgot a name I'm sorry my brethern. Remember Cancune Cantina? St. Paddys Day downtown? Ambushing mids jumping Gate 1? Running Bancroft Hall at 3am "borrowing" anythingwe could lay hands on? Then Cpl Rislers crazy night ops with borrowed zodiacs? Doing T-court WAY to hung over? I'm still in the green machine, and have seen a lot since then, but always cherish the time I had there. Thinking of trying to go back as a section leader......we'll see for the future. Semper Fi.
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