16 Messages Since 2-3-00
Posted 2-5-00
Lcpl Gregory Austin, Mar 91 - Aug 91 (decommisioned)
Marine Det. Security Force, 2nd Platoon
OOOh-Rah Tundra Tavern! Semper Fi!
Posted 3-12-00
PFC Larry P. Gobel 3-70 to 3-71
I spent 12.5 months with the M.P. unit. Would like to hear from anyone that was there at that time. Also, if anyone has any info. Would love to go back for a visit.
Posted 3-16-00
Cpl Keith Cunday, 52 - 53
Cpl Keith Cunday USMC station at Adak Alaska 1952-1953 looking for old buddy station up on the hill, in the old wooden barrack. Keith Cunday Diamond Bar, Sunny CA..
Posted 4-18-00
CWO Ed W. Nicholls, SSgt-USMC/US Army(AUS)Ret.
1273428/ 0311/ 0369/ 8511...RVN: '65-'66/'69-'70
I was stationed at MB Adak in 1956-'57. I arrived as a Pfc(E-2) and left as a Cpl(E-3). As I recall, I was in the 1st Rifle Platoon on the 1st Floor. Ernie Defazio was a Gunner and Brig Officer. I also worked in the Marine Club which was a climb up a hundred steps, and a fall down 300 steps at closing time, on top of a hill somewhere. SSgt (E-5) Androsco was the Club Manager. I usually worked a walking post at the Com Station somewhere where long handles, parkas & mickey-mouse boots were a must. I'd like to locate Pfc Johnnie VAN Norman, Pvt Jim Goode, Oliver Pimms, Bill Meisberger and Robert West, all of 1st Plt. I know Gunner Defazio passed on 4 or 5 years ago. I may have some old photos which I'll send later.
[These days its rare to hear words like Courage, Bravery, Integrity, Loyalty and Honor, Unless you know a United States Marine or United States Navy Corpsman!]
Posted 3-21-01
HN Andrew D. Pousson, Branch Medical Clinic, Jul 93 - Jul 95
Also bartended at the steak house. If anyone out there remembers me, I would be happy to hear from you.
Posted 4-22-01
Donald Wheeler, Sept 76 - Sept 77
I'm interested in hearing from anyone that was stationed at Adak during my time.
Posted 9-7-01
PFC Carl Jacobson, Nov56 - Nov57
I was with the base brig personnel and chaser, also spent some time at the clam lacoon radio station guard house and probably everywhere else. Had some good friends there. Remember G/Sgt Hayes quite well. Rejoined him at Camp Pendelton for a while at the 14 area base brig. when I returned state side as a prison chaser and guard at Tent Camp 2 at the brig. Anyone wanting to say hi, please do, it would be great.
Posted 11-19-01
PFC Carl Jacobson (Swede),
Nov 1956 - Nov 1957
Much of my time was working as a prisoner chaser, and other brig duties, spend some time on guard patrol at the radio stations. Remember the earthquakes and the tital wave. Watching Reeves Airlines coming in delivering the mail, from the Marine Barracks. Miss those Marine friends of mine, such as Gunny Hayes, Talley, Chief, Country Harris, Baby Harris, The forced marches in snow knee deep, digging clams, watching the eagles looking out the windows of the barracks overlooking the airstrip. Remmember the Navy patrol plane going down in the Bering Sea, and on duty at the beach, until the patrol was completed. Remembering there was not many women on the island at that time, other than a few military wives and cilivian personal... Did alot of exploring the island, had part interest in an old chev with the marine corps emblem on the side, using gas from rusted out gas barrels stacked out in the mountains from ww2 Bird Watch, walking around the Navy airplanes all night, freezing to death. Then after spending 12 months on adak, going back to the 11th marines, and being sent to Cold Weather Surivial at Lone Pine, Calif. (Never did understand that one, ) Semper Fi Hope to hear from some of you old marines.
Posted 12-01-01
LCpl Albritton G.Jimmy, 79 - 80
I was stationed on Adak from early 1979 to late 1980. I was T.A.D. with the barring dinning facility.
Posted 1-5-02
Richard Rowe, 77 - 78
Adak was my first duty station in 1977-1978. I had some wonderful friends back then. I was in second plt. at that time. I was also the person that took care our dog name Tipple. After I left, I could never get station there again. I sure did miss not get going backup. My Cpl of the Guard, at that time, was a Cpl Parker and Cpl Martin from Texas.
Posted 2-20-02
Wright, Richard A., Sgt. April 1989-April 1990 (PFC and LCpl at
the time)
At MCSF School on Mare Island, the Corps gave me the two things I asked for: An overseas tour on an island (I actually wanted Diego Garcia!). Adak ended up being my first duty station. I was in 1st Platoon of the MCSF Company and served with some great Marines. I have fond if not hazy memories of the Tundra Tavern and the old quonset hut on the mountain. I would enjoy corresponding with any Adak Marines interested in swapping some sea stories.
Posted 2-20-02
Russ Wright, 89 - 90
I was with the Marine Barracks from Mar '89 to Mar '90. I was a LCpl at that time. It was my first duty station and I never thought I would miss it but I have through the years. Would love to hear from anyone who was there during that time or from anytime for that matter. Tun Tavern rules.
Posted 11-16-02
Dale Chiaravalli PFC, 6-62 to 6-63
Spent 1 year on the rock with the MP unit, made Marine of the month April, 63. Major Winn was our C.O. at the time. Does any one remember the term "willawa" as in fierce snow storm. Is Tuns tavern still in operation? Would love to see more pics of Adak. Semper Fi !!
Posted 1-30-03
Dave English, 1981 - 1983
My name is Dave English. I was stationed on Adak as part of the security forse from October '81 to the early spring of '83. I was there under Lt Lussier and Capt Wilson. I went to Lejuene after that and on to Bierut (among other places), but Adak was where my life as a shit talking, ass kicking Marine began. Sometimes if I just sit still and close my eyes, I can feel the cold breeze coming off moffit blowing on the back of my neck. Looking for any devil dogs who were up there during that time period.
Posted 8-19-03
Sharon Becker, 1992 - 1994
Adak was such a great place and extremely missed. Friends were like family up there and if anyone feels like chatting about Adak, drop me a line. I was there from 92-94 working in the galley. Fun! Fun! Fun! :)
Posted 12-18-03
Lcpl Noble Robert, 1988 - 1989
I was in Adak in 1988 to 1989 under Maj. Anderson. If anyone was there at that time give me a e-mail so we can talk about the days we had up there.
Posted 12-27-03
Stacy M. Mackie, 1991
My spouse, Lcpl Thomas M. Mackie II was there from Nov. 90 to July 91. I arrived in February 91 and left in Sept. 91. I worked as an aircraft refueler/defueler for Fuels Division. In case you are not already aware of this information, you will find some very interesting and disturbing information about Adak on the EPA website for region 10 Pacific Northwest. We have contacted the EPA by phone and are obtaining a Freedom of Information form to obtain some reports they have. I have already collected a lot of data on my own via the net and can send what I have to anyone who would like it by fax or email. We are experiencing health problems which we believe are related to the toxins. Our daughter was premature and is having dental abnormalities. We are considering taking her to a pediatric specialist for testing. Phone & Fax 352-754-9123, 6386 Alberta Street, Brooksville, FL 34604. Let's compare notes and see if any of us are in the same boat or if you just want to chat, we'd love to hear from you. I found this information by accident when I was looking for a phone number on Adak. I call it divine intervention, as Tom was praying for an answer as to why the health issues are plaguing us. Semper Fi! God bless and take care. Stacy M. Mackie (Whitfield), Airman Apprentice
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