Marine Area Updates
Posted 11-16-03
A contractor is curently involved with the clean up and excavation of the Mare Island Marine Barracks Shooting Range. The rifle range has been cosidered a hazmat site due to all the lead. The plans are to excavate 3 to 5 feet of soil off the entire site. So far they've done a small porportion in the south range. However after the test came back they will most likley have to pull more dirt out in that area. It has been said that they can't believe how much crap is comming out of the dirt. To give you an idea how much dirt will be coming out and then screened at the moment, their's four cells 250 feet long 70 feet wide and will be filled with dirt 12 feet high. Monday they will start the demo on the back stop and the training building. This project is probably gonna last a good year.